
Runquist Murals Respons



When I realize that the history and background of the murals created by the Runquist brothers, I consider the murals can be divide by two parts. The first part is the history of art, the second part is the science of art.
This is my respond for Runquist brothers’ artworks. On my photo’s left hand I use these sets of photos to show how science change human’s dressing. At the beginning I want to find some photos which can represent the technology change with time. However, I found that the word “technology” is too abroad, so I decide to use human’s dressing to refect how science to change human’s art value. I consider human’s dressing is a kind of art. Dressing change also can shows how technology change people’s value of art. On the right hand I use different forms of art to shows how art is changing. I try to use shows the history of art, however, there are too many art form I cannot shows. I hope people see my photos and know art is changing, Combine the lift hand and right of my photo, people can see art form is changing by time by technology. And this is personal responds for murals.

Google Remix

This is what I thought of artist.







Look at Larry Lessig’s presentation, we can easily find out in this presentation, Larry Lessing mainly fucous on the word “ legislation”. I am more willing to stay fucous on the copy right. Larry Lessig mentioned that people should reduce restrictions for copyright. He consider if there are not too much control for the copy right, artists will have more freedom in their creation. Actually. I’m not familiar with the topic copyright. However, I trust everything has two sides. On the one hand, reduce the restrictions might let more artists have inspiration about their creation. On the other hand, some people might abuse copy right. Artists right might harmful without protection. I got the question here is how to find the find the balance for the copyright? For music, copy right give protection or astriction?

Technology Essay

“I hope to establish the relation of specific image, object, event or environment to conceptual frames. These frames exist within art and technology and are present in other forms of symbolic and material culture (51).” said by Beverly J. Jones . Actually, Jones consider as the technology change, art form also changed by the technology. There are some relationship between art and technology. On the one hand, art promote graphic design. On the other hand, new technology also always use for the old mode of art.
If we look back to the thesis, we can easily find out there are three historical examples author use in the article. The first example I found is about digital art.“In the 1940’s analogue computers were used to generate the earliest computer graphics and display them on oscilloscopes. Ben F. Lapofsky and Herbert W. Franke were among the pioneers creating these images. Franke’s graphics were phase forms, presented as events rather than as static imagery.( page 52)” Author use this example to how digital art developing. The digital art is improving from past to now.
I think one of the creations that I can image and relate to Beverly J. Jones’s article is google glasses. I consider google glasses change how people see the world. It is so easy to record the videos and take photos for everybody that everybody can become a photographer. People think this technology change the way how artists to create the artworks. Some people got the positive attitude, they think this creation gives motivation for people to create their own artworks. However, some people get negative opinion about this creation. They consider people use the google glasses to create artwork is totally different from the way how photographer use their camera to take photos. Although I’m not a big fans of photograph, I think people should accept the way of new form of art. I understand sometimes new technology might hard to accept by people, new technology challenge people’s mind about how to create art.
Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.
STEPHEN LEPITAK (2013) Google’s Project Glass: Changing the way we see the world
Retrieved JANUARY 2013, from


Why people want to play game and what’s the different between the game world and the real world? As a game designer, Jane McGonagall fully discuses these problems in the video. In her opinion, people found that their life are difficult, they cannot get the substance their want, so they expect they can get satisfaction in the game. Actually, I’m not a big fans of games, however, I do understand what Jane McGonagall ’s mean. That’s truth, some people are addicted to the games, they prefer to live in the game rather than live in the real world. I trust there are some people want to get satisfactions in the games, but I don’t think people play game means they all get negative affect. I got some friends play game for entertainment. Some of them believe that they can change the real world like the game. The play hard and work hard, try to change their life. Not every people get negative affect from the game. Game also can give positive affect to people. Lots of online game need to do the term work that get accomplishment. So, people can practice how to do the term work in the game and they will do the term work more easier in the real world. In addition, game is other epitome of the real world. The motivation for people to playing game is, they are eager for better things. They need to work hard, become more patience for success in the game. This is totally the same in real world. I don’t consider all the things in the game will cause negative affect for people’s real life. I never judge a thing is good or bad. I think the owner of the good will decide this thing good or bad. So, I consider computer game will cause negative affect or positive affect mainly depend on the player.

Creative Spirtituality Reflection

1How do you define “spirituality”?
I consider spirituality as a condition. A condition that people use their spirit achieve their balance between external world and internal mind. People cannot touch or see spirituality because spirituality is intangible, is a kind of internal mental power to guide people how to do in their actual life. I like to use the word spirit to describe spirituality, I consider spirituality is also a kind of value that people get from their metal power.


2Does spirituality differ from religion?
As a atheist, I do not know too much about religion. For me, I think spirituality is differ form religion. I consider spirituality is a mental power cause by belief or faith. It can cause by the religious if you trust. However, it is not necessary must comes from religion. In some ways I consider spirituality is very similar with religion. It is something relate to how people think and see the world, but the different is one can tell people how they should do but one is not.
3How do you define “creativity”?
The word creativity means the inborn power from the nature. It represent people’s ability to create. Each individual has their own ability to create. Some of the might good at art, some of them might good at music. Creativity is un-limit, however, I just feeling when people get education and use the same standard for create. They will lost their original ability to create. In somehow, I trust education might destroy creativity.


4What is the source of creativity?
I do not sure what’s the source of creativity. I consider all the creativity comes from my brain. And my brain combine my experience, personal value, education then give me the emotional support to create. For example, when I listen the songs “let her go”, my brain will let me remember my ex girl, then I will feel sad. And I have inspiration to draw a dark and gray picture about chaos in my mind.


What is Creativity? Oscar Wilde’s opinion is“To look at a thing is very different from seeing a thing. One does not see anything until one sees its beauty. Then, and then only, does it come into existence”(p. 71). From this opinion, I consider every people in the world is a creation. I have no religion, I don’t know human are the creations of whom. However, I definite think I’m a creation of my patients. In addition, although different people born in different place, I do consider all human are beauty. I trust everything with life is beauty. Farthermore, I believe that everything with life is unique. They have unique personality, different face and different shape. I have an idea always in my mind, humans are creations, so there are lots of creativity in our world and our life. Some time people work in different area, but creativity still affect their ways to do things. Chef use their creativity to create different delicious dish, artists use their creativity to create different fascinating artworks, musician use their creativity to create wonderful music. I am not a English speaker, I don’t know too much word to admire creativity. I use the word “gift” to describe creativity. The inborn gift from human’s nature. All human’s culture is relate to creativity. For art, artists use their creativity to represent what they thought in their mind to the real world. I remember that the text mentioned as an artists, they should have ability to identify different levels of beauty. However, I don’t think so. Each people have their own standard for identify art. What is beauty? I think is relate to people’s attitude to see the world. So, artists might have right to  consider all the things exist in the world are beautiful or all the things exist in the world are ugliness. Creativity give our ability to identify the world. I think I could’t set a standard for our un-limit creativity.

Horror Research Essay

Some people like Horror movie but some people are not. I just curious why people like the horror movie, why they feel enjoyable for watching the horror movie. I guess every people’s decision reflect their personal value inside, I trust people watch the horror movie have their own explanation. So I just google for the reasons why people watch the horror movie, and then found that some interesting articles about that.
The first article I found is name Why Do People Like to Watch Scary Movies? Actually, the webpage does’t gave the author name for the article, However, I found that the author’s opinion is so interesting, so I decide to describe his idea here. “There’s something to the cautionary tale theory as it relates to movies. Many do seem to depict chaos that occurs when people venture outside of what is considered societal norms. They’ve also been used in the past, especially slasher films, to promote themes of how innocence may prevail.” The author consider there’s some cautionary tale theories from the movies. Horror movie want people to know something about the unknow world and prepare to defense the crisis. Horror movie suggest people do not do something or try to revolt something. He gave us one example of the movie of John Carpenter’s Halloween. In that movie, people without sex and virgin will survive. In that movie, the director try to suggest teenage do not try sex. In addition, the author also point out that watching the horror movie will increase people’s positive and negative feeling. On the one hand, people see the scared scene will cause people negative feeling. They will afraid, upset or shock. On the other hand, the positive feeling like adventure, people try to keep watching the movie and figure out what will happen next. The author consider these reasons can explain why people watch the scary movie have multiple feeling. I consider this point is relate to Noel Carroll’s opinion “the horror genre gives every evidence of being pleasurable to its audience.” Finally, the author consider horror movie is a kind of culture. In the primitive society, people like to afraid some god for example totem. Horror movie is a kind of inherit culture from the ancient. Now, horror movie already become to a pop culture in our life.
The second article I read is Sharon Begley’s article Why Our Brains Love Horror Movies.
This article analysis why people like to watch the horror movies from the psychologically. Firstly, Sharon mentioned that people need to watch the horror movie because their nervous system require. Sharon use “periodic revving” to describe the nervous system. When people live in a peaceful world for a long time. Their brain need something excreting that help them to restart their engine. Horror movies give people a feeling of excreting that they can live better. Sharon prove a study that shows some people need to get more sensation that they choose to watch the horror movies. In addition, the teenage and young people are the major audience that to watch the horror movie. The older people lost their experience to seek out, so they are not prefer to see the horror movies. The study also shows that older people will feel tired by watching the horror movie. Secondly, Sharon mentioned“Horror movie provides a cathartic effect, offering you emotional release and escape from the real world of bills and mortgages and the economy and relationships.” Horror movie offer a chance for people who want to emotional release.
I keep asking myself, why horror? There’s only one answer in my mind. Because human need horror, so they create horror. Horror is a feeling that since from our ancestor. Horror movie as a kind of pop culture in nowadays. The meaning for “horror” already change. I can image that our ancestor fight with other animals then cause horror is totally different from what we see in the horror movie today. I just feeling with the time change, human has different value about different things. Culture also change with human’s value.
Sharon.B ,(2011) Why Our Brains Love Horror Movies Retrieved May 11th, 2014, from

Carroll, N. (2002). Why Horror?. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 17). New York, NY: Routledge.

Why Do People Like to Watch Scary Movies?
Retrieved May 11th, 2014, from :


The music in Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode about 24 minutes belong to Non-diegetic sound. With the music play, people’s heart will follow the music, they become nervous. Actually, people are not actually know what thing will be happen, but the music give the message to people that something will be happen soon. People open their imagine, to guess, to care about the things. The moving success to use this music to catch people’s attention.
At the beginning of the video, a girl is singing a song. People does’t know what the means of the song. They just feeling they are connect with the moving by this song. I consider the songs added for the dramatic effect. The song make the moving strange and attractive. This song make me feel scared, the scared is not only give by the song but what I think. I open my brain and image different kins of horrible scene.
In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode 39, i consider here is the Mise-en-scene because it mix with music with other sounds. It’s describe the fighting, The music and other voice describe how fight is. People can hear that fighting use sword and fist in the music.

personal reflection essay

I’m thinking if there are some beliefs and values express from what I dress and body adornment to people. Personalty, my dressing style just for comfortable, I don’t care how people think and what people said about me. In summer, I like to wear a T-short and plant with a small massager bag. I also always wear slipper in summer. For summer, these kind of dress let me fell cool and minimum sweat. In winter, I like to wear a Colombia outwear with a shirt. For winter, the clothes I choose just for keep warm and avoid rain. Eugene is a small town always rain, people like to wear the Colombia’s outwear. I hope people saw what I dress can know I’m a casual and practical person. I also got a necklace in my neck, which is a silver necklace with a diamond ring. The diamond ring is in order to remember my first girl friend. I still miss my first time fall in love, so pure, no money involved, all the things about love. Even I break up with my first love. I still want to use the ring remind me, to keep the mind about truth love. To remember what is the meaning for my love. I change a lot with my dress and look during 10 years. When I was young, I always watch the fashion magazine. I try to find the fashion style of the dressing. In that period, I thought the best way to catch people’s eyes is dressing. People should dress different, then others will admire him. When I was a high school student, I was crazy about the non-mainstream culture from Japan. People who like non-mainstream culture always with a strange hair style, some are soft waves, some with wild-curl. People wear the exaggerated clothes, some clothes with many holes, some wear a big black robe. At that time, I try to use this way to catch people’s attention for me because I’m not a person who want to talk. When I become older, I feel that non-mainstream culture is too naive, they just care what they feel and ignore others dissatisfied with them.
When I was a primary school student, my father always forces me to cut a bingle. For
him, boys who with long hair is not accept by the social. He is a very traditional Chinese man. He consider only the hooliganism and underworld people keep long hair. My mother always buy different clothes for me. Actually I don’t like the clothes she bought too much, buy I cannot say no to her. I worried she will be upset if I don’t wear the clothes she bought. I’m the only son she got, I always follow her mind. I do not sure what I did is right or wrong, but I know I should do this. Before I go to Unite State, my mom help me make the decision for all the clothes. So, I feel depress but I can not say, I guess this is the reason why I like the non-mainstream culture in some particular time. I eager to shows my personality to others.
For me, dressing and body adornment is a kind of communicate message. It tells people what kind of people you are. Some time people might hide their personalty by their clothes. For example, the dressing in the office make every people the same because every body in the company wearing the same uniforms. In people’s daily life, their value can shows on their dressing and body adornment. I studying economic, I trust everything exist has their demand and supply. People have their purpose to wear different clothes. Some people might choose flash color clothes because they want to catch people’s attention. Some people wearing black suite and tie want to shows his processional in some area for people. Dressing also relate to the community. It decide what groups people they are. From dressing people also can identify interest. For example, people can guess whose dressing style is Punk might like rock music. It’s hard to say people’s dressing style is directly relate to their personalty. No, for most of people, you can see their value about their life by their dressing and body adornment.