2. Is food art?

Object: find the reasons why people consider food as art. Compare people’s different idea and make a own conclusion about food as art.

People consider food is art because both art and food.belong to creations. They need chiefs or artists express their feeling into their creations that make their creations to be attractive. Maybe art can last a longer time, but time is not a reason to judge a thing belong to art or not. Artworks catch people’s eyes, encourage them to think about the surrounding world. Food catch people’s taste, encourage them to love their life. They both have similar goal.



After the discussion, I’m sure that food can be art. Actually, people can give different definition for the word art. And also, they can have different explanation for why food can as art. First, food can transfer information. Different culture have different favorite food. Like the turkey, people in western eat turkey in thanks giving day in order to remember to thanks to the Indian. In“Fast Food Presentation”, I think I saw art inside bugger. I consider cheese, onion, bread and beef, all the things inside a bugger according to the Golden Ratio. I can image how Vinci use the Golden Ratio into his artwork Mona Lisa Smile. I just feeling the same situation with burger. Each burger has the same size, similar material, I consider this as Golden Ratio. I like cook at home, I like to cook the food as an artwork. In other words, it means I don’t just stay in the taste, but also require the food has a nice appearance. I know that sometimes people in China like to use artist to represent a good chef. People believe to identify a dish good or bad, first should look at the appearance. Chef try to use the food material to create some artworks to attract people. They even can use radish to sculpture flower or an dragon. So, I do believe that food can as art.
I will see food as a kind of art in the future. Actually, this topic is full of debate. It’s depend on different people’s personal feeling. I prefer to say food as art because I spend a long time to cook food and try to make food more fantastic.

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