
People Watching Assignment

I stood outside of EMU hall and watch different people. First, I saw one young man with a tattoo which is a Chinese character “龍” in his arm. This is a word which means dragon in Chinese. I’m not sure this gentlemen exactly know the word’s meaning. But if we just look the the structure of the word, we can found that this word looks complex. Personally, I feeling this word is cool because it comes from other culture. It looks different, I guess he want to shows his unique to others. Second, the words dragon means strange and power, people can consider he is the symbol of dragon. I guess this man is powerful and strong, maybe little bit aggressive. And I also forecast his thinking way is different from normal people.
The second person I saw is a old man with a black suit. He looks like 60 years old, with a big nose and golden glasses. He carried a document bag. He walk slowly, but seems full of energy, his face is seriously. I guess he is a professor because he wear a golden glasses and use document bag. He doing things might be preciseness because he never smile. He might be a rich man I guess, he is wearing a LV logo belt. His necklace with a cross. I’m thinking he might be a Christian. Actually, I’m not quire sure he is a professor or a priest. From general, he gave people feeling that he is a steady man. The feeling he gave me was he is a people with high educated, professional in some area.
The third people I saw is a lady. The color of her hair is pink, I guess she want to use the pink color to catch people’s attention. The lady also waring a colorful shirt, people will feel giddy if they keep watching her shirt. I am thinking the girl is open minded, she like special, hope people to keep concentration on her, She got two big holes in both ears but without any earrings. She is cool, I do not for sure, but I feel that she try to let people afraid her. She wearing a slipper and jeans, in somehow you can said she is a casual girl. There are three rings on her fingers. I guess she have lot of pursuers.
From observe these three people, I think every person with different background, personalty and education have different styles. People’s dressing try to tell other some message. If people want to know someone, I think they should begin from observe their clothes.