Selected recent abstracts and presentations:

A summary of much recent work:

Kapatsinski, V. (2022). Using data from language learning to compare alternative learning mechanisms. Workshop “From associations to cognition”, Marseille, France, July 4-5.

Under review / in revision

Kapatsinski, V. Creativity through inhibition (of the first production that comes to mind). Under revision. (draft 9/20/23)

Olejarczuk, P., & V. Kapatsinski. The role of surprisal in phonological learning: The case of weight-sensitive stress. In revision

Accepted / In press

Kapatsinski, V. Lexical frequency and diffusion. In A. Ledgeway, E. Aldridge, A. Breitbarth, K. É. Kiss, J. Salmons and A. Simonenko (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics. Wiley.


Kapatsinski, V. (2024). Associations, chunks, hierarchies, attention, and analogy: What do we need? Topics in Cognitive Psychologyl’Année Psychologique, 142, 223-228.

Kapatsinski, V. (2024). A review of <Diessel, H. 2023. The constructicon: Taxonomies and networks. Cambridge University Press.> The LinguistList (

Kapatsinski, V., Bramlett, A. A., & Idemaru, K. (2024). What do you learn from a single cue? Dimensional reweighting and cue reassociation from experience with a newly unreliable phonetic cue. Cognition, 249, 105818.

  • Scripts and data are available here

Mujezinović, E., Kapatsinski, V., & van de Vijver, R. (2024). Learning to unlearn: The role of negative evidence in morphophonological learningCognitive Science, 48(5), e13450. (open access)

  • Scripts and data are available here


Houghton, Z. N., & Kapatsinski, V. (2023). Are your random effects normal? A simulation study of methods for estimating whether subjects or items come from more than one population by examining the distribution of random effects in mixed-effects logistic regression. Behavior Research Methods.

  • Software, including a worked example and simulation code, as well as simulation results are available here

Kapatsinski, V. (2023). Understanding the roles of type and token frequency in usage-based linguistics. In M. Diaz-Campos & S. Balasch (Eds.), The handbook of usage-based linguistics, 91-106. Wiley. Unformatted version

Kapatsinski, V. (2023). Defragmenting learningCognitive Science, 47(6), e13301. Unformatted version

Kapatsinski, V. (2023). Learning fast while avoiding spurious excitement and overcoming cue competition requires setting unachievable goals: Reasons for using the logistic activation function in learning to predict categorical outcomesLanguage, Cognition & Neuroscience, 38(4), 575-596. (special issue on error-driven learning, ed. by J. Nixon & F. Tomaschek)

  • Appendix reporting the impact of different input encodings on the equilibrium state of Rescorla-Wagner is available here.
  • Software code and data are available here

Smolek, A., & Kapatsinski, V. (2023). Syntagmatic paradigms: Learning correspondence from contiguityMorphology, 33, 287-334.

  • Scripts and results are available here


Caballero, G., & Kapatsinski, V. (2022). How agglutinative? Searching for cues to meaning in Choguita Rarámuri (Tarahumara) using discriminative learning. In A. Sims, A. Ussishkin, J. Parker & S. Wray (Eds.), Morphological diversity and linguistic cognition (pp.121-159). Cambridge University Press.

Kapatsinski, V. (2022) Morphology in a parallel, distributed, interactive architecture of language production. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5. (Part of “Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Language Architecture“, ed. by M. M. Pinango, A. Smirnova, P. B. Schumacher & R. Jackendoff.)


Harmon, Z., & V. Kapatsinski. (2021). A theory of repetition and retrieval in language production. Psychological Review, 128(6), 1112-1144.

Kapatsinski, V. (2021). Hierarchical inference in sound change: Words, sounds and frequency of useFrontiers in Psychology, 12. (Part of “Rational Approaches in Language Science“, ed. by M. W. Crocker, G. Jaeger, G. Kuperberg, E. Teich, & R. Turnbull, a joint research topic by Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Communication.)

  • Software code is available here

Kapatsinski, V. (2021). What are constructions, and what else is out there? An associationist perspectiveFrontiers in Communication, 5, 134. (In Putnam, M., Carlson, M., Fábregas, A., Wittenberg, E., eds. Defining Construction: Insights Into the Emergence and Generation of Linguistic Representations (pp.75-89). Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA . doi: 10.3389/978-2-88971-935-8)


Harmon, Z., & V. Kapatsinski. (2020). The best-laid plans of mice and men: Competition between top-down and preceding-item cues in plan execution. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1674-1680.

Kapatsinski, V., S. Easterday & J. Bybee. (2020). Vowel reduction: A usage-based approach. Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di Linguistica, 32(1), 19-44.


Harmon, Z. (2019). Accessibility, language production, and language change. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon.

Harmon, Z., Idemaru, K., & Kapatsinski, V. (2019). Learning mechanisms in cue reweightingCognition, 189, 76-88.

Kapatsinski, V. (2019). Accessibility as a driver of change. In K. Lee-Legg & J. C. Wamsley (Eds.), 50th Anniversary LCIU Commemorative Collection, 57-59. Bloomington, IN: Linguistics Club.

Smolek, A. E. (2019). Teaching papa to cha-cha: How change magnitude, temporal contiguity, and task affect alternation learning. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon.

Teruya, H., & Kapatsinski, V. (2019). Deciding to look: Revisiting the linking hypothesis for spoken word recognition in the visual worldLanguage, Cognition & Neuroscience, 34(7), 860-881.


Kapatsinski, V. (2018). Changing minds changing tools: From learning theory to language acquisition to language change.* Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Table of Contents

Barth, D., & Kapatsinski, V. (2018) Evaluating logistic mixed-effects models of corpus-linguistic data in light of lexical diffusion. In D. Speelman, K. Heylen & D. Geeraerts (Eds), Mixed-effects regression models in linguistics, 99-116. Springer.

Kapatsinski, V. (2018). Learning morphological constructions. In G. Booij (Ed.), The construction of words: Advances in construction morphology, 547-581. Springer.

Kapatsinski, V. (2018). Words versus rules (storage versus online production/processing) in morphology. In M. Aronoff (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press.

Kapatsinski, V. (2018). On the intolerance of the Tolerance PrincipleLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 8(6), 738-742.

Kapatsinski, V. (2018). Changing minds changing tools: A learning-theoretic approach to language acquisitionProceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 55-56.

Olejarczuk, P. (2018). Phonotactic generalizations and the metrical parse. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon.

Olejarczuk, P., & V. Kapatsinski. (2018). The metrical parse is guided by gradient phonotacticsPhonology, 35(3), 367-405.

Olejarczuk, P., Kapatsinski, V., & Baayen, R. H. (2018). Distributional learning is error-driven: The role of surprise in the acquisition of phonetic categoriesLinguistics Vanguard, 4(S2).

Redford, M., V. Kapatsinski, & J. Cornell-Fabiano. (2018). Lay listener classification and social evaluation of typical and disordered child speech. Language & Speech, 61(2), 277-302.

Smolek, A., & Kapatsinski, V. (2018). What happens to large changes? Saltation produces well-liked outputs that are hard to generateLaboratory Phonology9(1), 10.

Teruya, H. (2018).Deciding to look: Revisiting the link between lexical activations and eye movements in the visual world paradigm in Japanese.  Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon.


Barth, D., & V. Kapatsinski. (2017). A multimodel inference approach to categorical variant choice: Construction, priming and frequency effects on the choice between full and contracted forms of am, are and isCorpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 13(2), 203-260.

Harmon, Z., & Kapatsinski, V. (2017). Putting old tools to new uses: The role of form accessibility in semantic extensionCognitive Psychology98, 22-44.

Kapatsinski, V. (2017) Learning a subtractive morphological system: Statistics and representations. In Maria LaMendola and Jennifer Scott (Eds.), Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development, 41(1), 357-372. Cascadilla Press.

Kapatsinski, V. (2017) Copying, the source of creativity. In A. Makarova, S. M. Dickey & D. Divjak (Eds.), Each venture a new beginning: Studies in honor of Laura A. Janda, 57-70. Bloomington, IN: Slavica.

Kapatsinski, V. (2017) A review of Heike Behrens and Stefan Pfänder (eds.). Experience counts: Frequency effects in language. Berlin/Boston: Walter de GruyterCognitive Linguistics, 28(2), 349-360.

Kapatsinski, V., & Harmon, Z. (2017). A Hebbian account of entrenchment and (over)-extension in language learningProceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2366-2371.

Kapatsinski, V., P. Olejarczuk, & M. A. Redford. (2017). Perceptual learning of intonation contour categories in adults and 9 to 11-year-old children: Adults are more narrow-minded. Cognitive Science, 41(2), 383-415.


Harmon, Z., & V. Kapatsinski. (2016). Fuse to be used: A weak cue’s guide to attracting attention. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 520-525.

Harmon, Z., & V. Kapatsinski. (2016) Determinants of lengths of repetition disfluencies: Probabilistic syntactic constituency in speech production. Chicago Linguistic Society, 50, 237-248.

Olejarczuk, P., & V. Kapatsinski. (2016). Attention allocation in phonetic category learningProceedings of Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, 148-156.

Vajrabhaya, P. (2016). Cross-modal reduction: Repetition of words and gestures. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon.


Barth, D. G. (2015). To have and to be: Function word reduction in child speech, child-directed speech and inter-adult speech. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon.

Caballero, G., & V. Kapatsinski. (2015). Perceptual functionality of multiple exponence in Choguita Rarámuri (Tarahumara). Pre-print of a paper published in Language, Cognition & Neuroscience, 30(9), 1134-1143.

Harmon, Z., & V. Kapatsinski. (2015). Studying the dynamics of lexical access using disfluencies. Proceedings of Disfluencies in Spontaneous Speech, 41-44.


Kapatsinski, V. (2014). What is grammar like? A usage-based constructionist perspective. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology, 11(1), 1-41.

Vakareliyska, C. M., & V. Kapatsinski. (2014). An Anglo-Americanism in Slavic morphosyntax: Productive [N[N]] constructions in Bulgarian.  Folia Linguistica, 48(1), 277-312.


Kapatsinski, V. (2013). Conspiring to mean: Experimental and computational evidence for a usage-based harmonic approach to morphophonology. Language, 89(1), 110-148.

Kapatsinski, V. (2013). Morphological schema induction by means of conditional inference trees. In B. Cartoni, D. Bernhard, & D. Tribout, eds. TACMO Workshop. Theoretical and Computational Morphology: New Trends and Synergies, 11-14. Geneva.

Kapatsinski, V., & C. M. Vakareliyska. (2013). [N[N]] compounds in Russian: A growing family of constructions. Constructions & Frames, 5(1), 69-87.

Stave, M., A. Smolek, & V. Kapatsinski. (2013). Inductive bias against stem changes as perseveration: Experimental evidence for an articulatory approach to output-output faithfulness. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 3454-59. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.


Jing-Schmidt, Z., & V. Kapatsinski. (2012). The apprehensive: Fear as endophoric evidence and its pragmatics in English, Mandarin, and Russian. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(4), 346-373.

Kapatsinski, V. (2012). What statistics do learners track? Rules, constraints or schemas in (artificial) grammar learning. In Gries, S. Th., & D. Divjak, eds. Frequency effects in language: Learning and processing, 53-82. Mouton de Gruyter.


Johnston, L. H., & V. Kapatsinski. (2011). In the beginning there were the weird: A phonotactic novelty preference in adult word learning. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1022-1025.

Kapatsinski, V. (2011). Modularity in the channel: The link between separability of features and learnability of dependencies between them. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1022-1025.

Kapatsinski, V. (2011). Review of Kibort & Corbett, eds. 2010. Features: Perspectives on a key notion of linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Studies in Language, 35(1), 217-227.

Kapatsinski, V., & R. Janda. (2011). It’s around here: Residential history and the meaning of ‘Midwest’. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2983-2988.

Vajrabhaya, P., & V. Kapatsinski. (2011). There is more to the story: First-mention lengthening in Thai interactive discourse. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2050-2053.


Kapatsinski, V. (2010). Velar palatalization in Russian and artificial grammar: Constraints on models of morphophonology. Journal of Laboratory Phonology, 1(2), 361-393.

Kapatsinski, V. (2010). Rethinking rule reliability: Why an exceptionless rule can fail. Chicago Linguistic Society, 44(2), 277-291.

Kapatsinski, V. (2010). What is it I am writing? Lexical frequency effects in spelling Russian prefixes: Uncertainty and competition in an apparently regular system. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 6(2), 157-215.

Kapatsinski, V. (2010). Frequency of use leads to automaticity of production: Evidence from repair in conversation. Language and Speech, 53(1), 71-105.

Kapatsinski, V., & L. H. Johnston. (2010). Investigating phonotactics, lexical analogy, and sound symbolism using xenolinguistics: A novel word-picture matching paradigm. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2010-2015.

Kapatsinski, V., & L. H. Johnston. (2010). Is that a bnik I see? Testing phonotactics using word-picture matching. In Antonis Botinis, ed. Proceedings of the 2nd ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics 2010, 77-80. ISCA & The University of Athens.


Kapatsinski, V. (2009). Testing theories of linguistic constituency with configural learning: The case of the English syllable. Language, 85(2),  248-277.

Kapatsinski, V. (2009). Adversative conjunction choice in Russian: Semantic and syntactic influences on lexical selection. Language Variation and Change, 21(2), 157-173.

Kapatsinski, V. (2009). The architecture of grammar in artificial grammar learning: Formal biases in the acquisition of morphophonology and the nature of the learning task. Ph.D. Dissertation, Linguistics & Cognitive Science, Indiana University.

Kapatsinski, V., & J. Radicke. (2009). Frequency and the emergence of prefabs: Evidence from monitoring. In R. Corrigan, E. Moravcsik, H. Ouali, & K. Wheatley, eds.  Formulaic Language. Vol. II: Acquisition, loss, psychological reality, functional explanations, 499-520. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Typological Studies in Language 83).


Kapatsinski, V. (2008). Constituents can exhibit partial overlap: Experimental evidence for an exemplar approach to the mental lexicon. In R. L. Edwards, P. J. Midtlyng, C. L. Sprague, and K. G. Stensrud, eds. CLS 41: The Panels, 227-242. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.

Kapatsinski, V. (2008). Principal components of sound systems: An exercise in multivariate statistical typology. Indiana University Linguistics Club Working Papers Online, 08-08.


Kapatsinski, V. (2007). Frequency, neighborhood density, age-of-acquisition, lexicon size, neighborhood density and speed of processing: Towards a domain-general, single-mechanism account. In S. Buescher, K. Holley, E. Ashworth, C. Beckner, B. Jones, and C. Shank. Proceedings of the 6th Annual High Desert Linguistics Society Conference, 121-40. Albuquerque, NM: High Desert Linguistics Society.

Kapatsinski, V. (2007). Implementing and testing theories of linguistic constituency I: English syllable structure. Research on Spoken Language Processing Progress Report No.28, 241-276. Indiana University Speech Research Lab.


Kapatsinski, V. (2006). Sound similarity relations in the mental lexicon: Modeling the lexicon as a complex network. Research on Spoken Language Processing Progress Report No.27, 133-152. Indiana University Speech Research Lab.

Kapatsinski, V. (2006). To scheme or to rule: Evidence against the Dual Mechanism Model, In Rebecca T. Cover and Yuni Kim, eds. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 193-204. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society.

Kapatsinski, V. (2006). Towards a single-mechanism account of frequency effects. The LACUS Forum 32: Networks, 325-335.


Kapatsinski, V. (2005). Measuring the relationship of structure to use: Determinants of the extent of recycle in repetition repair. Berkeley Linguistics Society 30, 481-492.

Kapatsinski, V. (2005). Characteristics of a rule-based default are dissociable: Evidence against the Dual Mechanism Model. In S. Franks, F. Y. Gladney, and M. Tasseva-Kurktchieva, eds. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 13: The South Carolina Meeting, 136-146. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Slavic Publications.

Kapatsinski, V. (2005). Productivity of Russian stem extensions: Evidence for and a formalization of Network Theory. M.A. Thesis, Linguistics, University of New Mexico.

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