Remix Discussion

May 28, 2014

When watching the Ted Talks video I found it very interesting when Larry Lessig talked about how laws are preventing growth for everyone.  What I found interesting was when he talked about growth of music and how when it first came out rap music featuring African American people was strange.  This is very interesting to me because in todays world it is so common for African Americans to be featured in rap music.  The growth of the world has increased but with laws today it prohibits a lot of personal growth and growth of artwork.

One Response to “Remix Discussion”

  1. estherk said:

    I agree with your point. Laws have to change according to the changing world. Especially laws that concern creation of art. I feel like art is what changes the paradigm of the whole world. Nobody knows what will lead to what. Big art movements influenced social issues (and vice versa) throughout history and as the generation that knows that, I feel like the copyright law is such an outdated restriction.

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