Location: EMU 145 + 146 (Crater Lake rooms)
3:00 – 5:00 PM
3:05 PM Call to Order
- Intro, announcements; Senate President Harbaugh
- Year-end wrap up; UO President Schill
3:20 PM: Approval of Minutes, May 24, 2017
3:21 PM : New Business
- US16/17-29: Approval of Curriculum Report, Spring 2017; Frances White (Anth), Chair of UOCC
- Announcement of Election results & Confirmation of committee appointments
- Election for 2017-2018 Senate Vice President & President Elect (Conducted by VP Sinclair)
- Candidate statement: Bill Harbaugh, Economics
- Other nominations, if any, from the floor
- UO Senate Award for Shared Governance, Transparency, and Trust – Diane Dietz, Register Guard
- UO Senate Classified Staff Leadership Award – Kurt Willcox, University Senate
- UO Senate Wayne Westling Award – Jennifer Freyd, Psychology
- UO Senate Officer of Administration Leadership Award – Lisa Raleigh, College of Arts & Sciences
- Two recognition awards
4:26 PM: Open Discussion
4:27 PM: Reports
4:28 PM: Notices of Motions
4:29 PM: Passing of the Gavel to new President Chris Sinclair
4: 30 PM: Adjourn
Senate Awards Reception:
- Part #1 – Refreshments and Snacks in the Crater Lake Room, 4:30 – 5:15 PM
- Part #2 – Drinks and hors-d’oeuvres at the Faculty Club*, Senate awardees and guests welcome . 5:00 on, with a toast at 6PM.
- Enter through the front door of the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art