New Finding Aid | Sadakichi Hartmann papers
Special Collections and University Archives is pleased to announce a newly updated finding aid published for the Sadakichi Hartmann papers (Ax 523). The finding aid is available on Archives West.
The Sadakichi Hartmann papers is a collection compiled by writer, playwright, poet, actor, artist, art critic, and Bohemian, Sadakichi Hartmann (1867-1944). Hartmann was one of the early Greenwich Village and southern California Bohemians during the late 19th to early 20th centuries. The collection contains draft manuscripts and published works, many of which pertain to the arts, as well as correspondence, family photographs, and artwork.
Hartmann was born in Nagasaki, Japan to a German father and Japanese mother in 1867. In an autobiographical work published in Greenwich Village (1915), Hartmann described himself as:

“Getting old. Seven more books to publish and autobiography to write. Living on the interests of accumulated knowledge. Studying philosophy for a pastime.
Height: 5.11 ¾ . Size of shoe: 9. Hair: dull black. Eyes: brown. Birthmark: strawberry mark on right sole. Belongs to no society or association of any kind. Is an agnostic and anti-prohibitionist. Painted by F. H. Tompkins, Marcus Waterman, Leslie Cauldwell, Boldini, Henri Gordigiani, F. D. Marsh, Albert Rosenthal, Dodge, Kryzanewski, etc. Photographed by everybody. Permanent address, East Aurora, N.Y.”
–Liliya Benz, Archival Processing Assistant