Why Horror Essay
Article 1:
In the article “You Asked: Is Scaring Myself Healthy?” the author Heid, Markham states that, a scare movie can bring more treats than tricks for most people. He provides lots of examples to support his opinions, for example, he says, “When you’re freaked out, your body also starts pumping out a bonding chemical called oxytocin–the same hormone. This can make a frightful experience a fantastic way to solidify friendships and other social relationships”. The author believes that people who is scared by horrible games or movies is good for their body, it also good for their social relationships while they play some horrible games with friends. So, Heid claims that people scared by horrible games or movies is good for their healthy. In the article “Why Horror?” Carroll states, “The disclosure of the existence of the horrific being and of its properties is the central source of pleasure in the genre”. That means the author believes that when people face to some horrible things, they are not only feel scared, but also feel happy. Because they’re subconscious is to enjoy the feeling of fear. Thus, from this two articles, I believe that to some extent, scary games or movies is good for people’s healthy and their emotions.
Heid, M. (2014). You Asked: Is Scaring Myself Healthy?. Time.Com, 1. Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.uoregon.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=8&sid=25520ebeda874db4a7c047dda51035db%40sessionmgr4003&hid=4101&bdata=JmxvZ2luLmFzcCZzaXRlPWVob3N0LWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=99130742
Article 2:
In the article “Why do people like Horror Movies”, the author Radwan states that people like watching scary movies is because that make them feel good. The author says that the reason why people enjoy being scared is because in that horror movies, they are not in danger, the heroes in the movies are in the danger, so they are totally safe. So, they can boost their self-esteem from the scary movies. In addition, Radwan claims that some people like watching horror movies is because they want to prove they are brave. That is kind of challenge for themselves. Thus, the author believes that people love horror movies is not just because they like, there are many factors lead them to watch scary movies. Otherwise, in the article “Why Horror?” the author Carroll illustrates that horror story “engages its audience by being involved in processes of disclosure, discovery, proof, explanation, hypothesis, and confirmation”. That means people like horror movies and stories is because they want to know what is horror, why some people feel scared and the main reason is because they want to confirm that they are not being scaring by the horror things, they want to prove they are brave, and make them become more confidence. Therefore, from this two article, I learned that people like to watch horror movies is not only because of love, there are many other reasons, I think the main reason is that they want to through watching horror movies to prove their abilities, to prove that they brave than others.
Radwan, M.F. Why do people like Horror Movies. Retrieved from http://www.2knowmyself.com/why_do_people_like_horror_movies