What Is Art For? Essay Assignment
1. Describe the term paleoanthropsychobiological. Who coined this term?
The author, Ellen Dissanayake coined the term“paleoanthropsychobiological”. This term included three parts: human history, human societies, psychology and emotion need/effect. As Dissanayake mentioned in the article “First, that the idea of art encompassed all of human history; second, that it include all human societies; and third, that it account for the fact that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects” (p.15)。The author used this special word“paleoanthropsychobiological” to make people want to know more about art.
2. What does Dissanayake mean by the phrase “making special”? How does it relate to art and to human survival?
Dissanayake said the phrase “making special” means “particularly things that one cares deeply about or activities whose outcome has strong personal significance” (p.22). which means art is a good way to make yourself special and the author would like to highlight the art is a great significance for the individual stuff. In addition, Dissanayake states that “making special” also means “something that is ‘special’ is different from the mundane, the everyday, the ordinary. It is extra-ordinary” (p.22). It is likely she wants to tell the readers that art is from our normal life, but art is also can make our life different and special.
3. Dissanayake identifies many different theories/movement/periods of art throughout western european history. Name three different theories of art that Dissanayake mentions in her essay. Identify the time period when each theory developed and was prominent. Provide a brief description of the philosophies and ideas that define each theory/movement/period of art. Support your answer with quotes from the reading.
There are three theories of art that Dissanayake mentions. First is the man-centered concerns, which was developed in the medieval times. As the writer said “Renaissance artists gradually replaced God-centered with man-centered concerns, but their works continued to portray a recognizable world” (Dissanayake p.16). That means art is always change by the time, so that to apply to all over the world. Second, modernism, which was developed in the 19th century. Dissanayake mentioned that “there is a special frame of mind of appreciating works of art-a ‘disinterested’ attitude that is separate from one’s own personal interest in the object, its utility, or its social or religious ramifications” (p.17). The author explained that art is ideology, it is related with social and religious. Third, postmodernism, it means art is interpretation. which was developed in the 20th century. Dissanayake pointed out that postmodernism is “a point of view that calls into question two centuries of assumptions about the elite and special nature of art” (p.19).