Archive of ‘Lifestyle’ category

Unit 01 (Step 10 Blog Post)

This article is talks about why dogs are men’s best friends, and the author, Nicholas Garcia, lists 10 reasons to explain why they are human’s best friends. The reason why I choose this article is because I like dogs and I have a Schnauzer in my apartment, he is 2 years old, I think he is my family member and my best friend. So I think this article is a very good summary to explain why dogs are human’s best friends.

The first reason to explain why dogs are human’s best friends is ‘dogs have terrible short-term memories’, they always forget the bad things you did for them, always treat you like their best friends. The second reason is ‘dogs have great long-term memories’, they won’t forget any time they spend with you, they will remember you for a long time whatever how long you are separated. The third reason is ‘dogs have your back’, if you have a dog at home, when you leave home, it will make your house safe. The fourth reason is ‘dogs can mimic your emotions’, that is the reason why I like dogs, I have a lovely dog in my apartment, he always be there whether I’m thrilled, depressed, or anywhere in between, I like to share my secrets with my dog, he looks like understand because he always listen carefully. The fifth reason is ‘dogs act as mini-dishwashers’, they like everything you eat, once your feel you cannot eat any more, your dog will help you to finish them, they are like a mini-dishwasher. The sixth reason is ‘dogs are great motivational tools’, to some extent; dogs are more willing to do some exercises, such as walks, runs. You can do exercises with them. The seventh reason is ‘ dogs are freaking smart’, dogs are good at watch what you are doing and saying, and then avoid doing some thing wrong to make you angry, they are smart and cunning. The eighth reason is ‘dogs won’t allow you to eat alone ever again’, like my dog, when I eat some thing, he always knows, so I always hide when I eat snacks. The ninth reason is ‘dogs won’t leave you hanging’. The last but not least is ‘dogs know how to live’. It is funny when I saw a women dress her dog like a litter girl, and when the women went hand in hand with her dog walk from my side, I can’t help but laugh, that’s so amazing!