Creative Spirtituality Reflection

1.How do you define “spirituality”?

In my opinion, spirituality is means concern with things of the spirit. That is usually used for describe people’s belief, such as people have the spirit of perseverance, positive enterprising spirit, and so on. Otherwise, that is also can be used to describe people’s personal value. For example, some people put the focus on family life, such as some housewives. So in their view, the spiritual pillar of the family is that they all have, so this also is their personal value. Thus, this is my idea about the spirituality.

2.Does spirituality differ from religion?

I think spirituality is different from religion, because in my opinion, although spirituality is a kind of belief, there is no rule that you must strictly follow one and only one thought that prevails, you can create your own spirituality. Because different people have different backgrounds and they are raised in different areas, so they must be different with each other, which are why they have different religions. However, spirituality is not totally same with the religion, because people’s spirit is can be same, no matter where are they come from, such as two people, they are both have the spirit of perseverance, many people have this spirit, so that is the most different between spirituality and religion.

3.How do you define “creativity”?

In my opinion, creativity is means people have abilities to create something. I think creativity is shows your own works, which should be different from others. If you want to create you have to get rid of all conditionings, otherwise, your creativity will be nothing but copying. I always think about a question, what would I do differently if I had the time and energy to tap into my creativity? Because I think everyone has his/her inherent ability of creativity can be found, so we need to exercise ourselves more, think more and get more creation.

4.What is the source of creativity?

I think our life is have a lot of material can support people to create more things. A lot of artists’ creative inspiration is derived from the life around. However, in general, the most simple, that people don’t notice things can give people a lot of inspiration to create new things. So people should learn from the things around to find the different parts, and combine with their own ideas, it is a good way to exercise people’s creativity. Thus, I think the best source of creativity is from people’s life.

7 Comments on Creative Spirtituality Reflection

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    February 23, 2015 at 11:08 am (10 years ago)

    I really appreciate the correlation between spirituality and personal values that you make.

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