What is Art for?

In the article “What is Art for?” the writer, Ellen Dissanayake wants to give us a new way to think about art. The writer talks about the western art history shortly, and give some opinions about art to the readers. Dissanayake thinks that art is important, it included “all of human history, all human societies, it is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects”(p.15). In my opinion, art is important for a country and people’s life. Each country has a lot of valuable works of art, these things have value because they are usually the epitome of an era, a lot of art is reflected in a certain moment of that era, perhaps just an afternoon view but this is help for future generations to understand the history. In addition, Art is a good way to allow people to put their feelings in their works, such as painting, there are many valuable works of art are include the feelings of the artist’s. Because these artworks have artists’ feelings and emotions, thus, they are easy to be accepted and loved by people.

Otherwise, the author states that art is “as normal as natural as language, sex, sociability, aggression, or any of the other characteristics of human nature”(Dissanayake,p.15). I’m totally agreeing her opinions, because I think our life is full of art. When I was 10 years old, I started learning painting, I would be more concerned about the things around than before, at the beginning of time I learning sketch, I started observed people around me, later, when I learning gouache I began to observe the scenery around me. Perhaps because I’m learning painting, I think our lives are filled with art everywhere, whether it is human physical and verbal or the beautiful natural scenery. So this article is meaningful, because this article not only makes a better understanding of the arts, but also to make people more aware of the importance of the arts.

7 Comments on What is Art for?

  1. pinyue@uoregon.edu
    January 23, 2015 at 9:13 pm (10 years ago)

    Hi, Qunliu. I think I almost agree with your all of arguments and my opinions are similar with yours. Our opinions could be concluded as Dissanayake’s argumens, “First, that the idea of art encompasses all of human nature (i.e. as far back as the Paleolithic or even earlier); second, that it include all human societies (i.e. is anthropological or cross cultural); and third, that it accounts for the fact that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects” (p.15). The only thing that I have a different understanding is the meaning of the article. You think this article’s meaning are making a better understanding of the arts, but also to make people more aware of the importance of the arts. Moreover, I think this article make people to know the art is highly related with our life so art is not something that is untouchable for general people.

  2. hanxing@uoregon.edu
    January 23, 2015 at 11:56 pm (10 years ago)

    Hello Qunliu, I am Impressed by your comment about how art is a reflection of the society. You mentioned that art ‘is important for a country and people’s life. Each country has a lot of valuable works of art…..art is usually the epitome of an era’. I do think that a lot of times art reflects a certain historical period. For example, many artworks reflects upon societal changes such as wars. However, I feel that art is also a very personal experience. A lot of the surrealists treat art as a means to connect to their past and externalize their emotions. You are right about how the artworks represented the feelings of the artist. I think that art is a communication tool as well; people who are religious often depict the divine as a means to communicate. I think that this is also what art is for. What do you think ?

    • qun@uoregon.edu
      January 25, 2015 at 10:33 pm (10 years ago)

      Hello Hanxing, thank you for your comment. I think we have some similar opinions. Such as you said that “many artworks reflects upon societal changes such as wars”. I agree with your opinion, because as I mentioned in my assignment, I think art is valuable because it usually reflects the history and records some meaningful/significant things, like wars. Otherwise, you said art is related with the artists emotions and connect to their past, that is exactly! I think art is a tool for artists to ‘tell’ others what they think when they drawing a picture or make a artwork.For example, when I paint, I always put my own preferences on my painting, for example, I like the color, I will be more use of that color, or I like this product I will make that better, others may not so delicate.So, I think we have similar ideas on the art. That’s great! Thank you for letting me know what you think about my assignment.

  3. Gains Mountain
    January 25, 2015 at 10:24 pm (10 years ago)

    I really liked how you tied how art is all around us and in everything to the fact that you yourself are also an artist. It tied the writing together and allowed us to be able to see a little better image of what kind of person you are. Your example of how you are also are artist and see art everywhere reminded me of what of a part from the reading where Dissanayake says, “There, while there is no abstract concept of “art”, everyone may be an artist — decorating their bodies and possessions, dancing, singing, versifying, performing — even when some persons are acknowledged as being more talented or skillful than others”(pg 21). You having more artistic background than some were able to see the art all around you everyday, while people like me who have lost touch with art have a more difficult time performing art, as well as being able to see the beauty in much of it. I believe this to be the stigma we get from art growing up seeing such great art and comparing it to ourselves, followed by us giving up or failing, for fear that we will never be able to reach the same heights.

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