Six Tips for Finding an Internship

A common issue among public relations majors is landing an internship. Although seeking out a public relations internship can be intimidating, especially if you have little to no experience, it is possible. Here are some quick tips to get you started.

  1. Use job search tools daily. Although checking the career center website every once in a while is a step in the right direction, checking frequently gives you a much better chance of finding the right position for you. Plus, while many internships have deadlines, it never hurts to apply early. If you happen to be right for the job, they may hire you before the deadline has even arrived.
  2. Think outside of the career center. While the SOJC does a fantastic job providing internship and job opportunities to students, these opportunities tend to be much more competitive because every journalism student has access to them. In addition to checking the career center’s website regularly, check out (that is how I found my first internship) or If you are a dues-paying PRSSA member, check out the job and internship database available for PRSSA members! A smaller pool of applicants means better chances of getting hired.
  3. Reach out to non-profits. Although these are not always the most glamorous jobs, there are so many opportunities to help out organizations that really need assistance. Plus, working at a non-profit is a great way to develop a wide variety of PR-related skills.
  4. Keep your social media presence clean. This is crucial. You do not want to miss out on a great opportunity because you posted too many photos from Halloween on your social profiles. Be yourself and show that you have interests other than PR, but always air on the side of caution.
  5. Cross your t’s and dot your i’s. When sending out resumes and cover letters, check for misspellings, typos and formatting issues. Keep cover letters as brief as possible and resumes to one page. If you’re not quite sure how to write a killer cover letter or a stand-out resume, be sure to attend PRSSA’s Winter Workshop series next term — we will have an entire night dedicated to this very subject.
  6. Do not give up. It is easy to get discouraged when getting turned down, but there are many more opportunities ahead of you. Although you may not have the right experience for a particular job that does not mean that you are not well suited to another position.

With strategic searching and persistence, you will have an internship in no time.

AmeleaBioPhotoAmelea Renshaw is the 2013-2014 University of Oregon PRSSA operations director. She is currently a junior double majoring in advertising and public relations. You can contact Amelea at and follow her on Twitter at @amelearenshaw.

How to Brand Yourself

Why does branding matter?
As public relations students, we are aware of the importance of company branding but often overlook our own personal brand. This post will explore personal branding, discuss value proposition and key publics, and how to market your brand.

Determine your brand
SWOT Analysis: A personal SWOT analysis can help you determine your capabilities and interests, which will help you figure out where you should be heading professionally.

  • What are your strengths? Your strengths can include your skills or certifications do.
  • What are your weaknesses? What tasks do you avoid doing or what do you struggle with?
  • What opportunities have you been presented with? Is there a void you could be filling at the office? Could you use your network as a resource to find new opportunities?
  • What obstacles stand in the way of your goals and what competition are you facing?

Identify your value proposition
Value proposition identifies who you are. What image do you want people to associate with you? Use your SWOT analysis to help you identify what makes you unique. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help determine your value proposition:

  • What are your goals and what do you have to offer?
  • How will you promote these goals and strengths?
  • Can you incorporate storytelling into your proposition?
  • Does your value proposition capture your personality?

Once you have identified your value proposition, think about how to translate that into a 60-second, a 30-second and a 10-second elevator pitch to tell potential employers.

Have a targeted approach
You need to be strategic with your brand and identify your target audience. Consider factors like:

  • Who should you target to get the job you want? What do you have to do to get the attention of that demographic?
  • What keywords should you use to attract the attentions of those in the industry you are pursuing?
  • What kind of business are you looking for (boutique/start-up; SMB; Fortune 500)? What company culture do you want?
  • What can you contribute to this industry?

Market yourself
Social media profiles are a great way to get your name out there and to connect with others. Do not try to be on every social media platform because you cannot devote enough time and effort to each account.

  • Choose two to four social media platforms that are relevant to you and your chosen industry. Be strategic about what platforms you choose and use them regularly.
  • Focus on building relationships. Reach out to other users because your connections will help you succeed in the professional world.
  • Emphasize storytelling and consistency. It is easier for others to relate to stories, so talk about your life and your experiences.

Branding yourself is a continuous process. Everything that you do reflects on your personal brand. Think about how your online interactions reflect on your brand.

How do you market yourself online? Please tell us about your personal branding efforts in the comments below.

Photo Credit: Oliver Beattie

DSC_0517Kaitlyn is the PRSSA External Relations Project Manager for the 2012-2013 school year. She is a senior studying public relations at the University of Oregon. You connect with Kaitlyn at or on Twitter @thtwhtkatiesaid.