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Oregon at 2020 National Cowboy Poetry Gathering

Published on: Author: Emily West Hartlerode Leave a comment

By Emily Hartlerode This winter, I once again headed to Elko, Nevada for the (36th) annual National Cowboy Poetry Gathering presented by the Western Folklife Center. I thank Gathering Manager (and former OFN student staff) Bradford McMullen for paying close attention to the talent in Oregon, with much to offer this year’s focus on black cowboys.… Continue reading

OFN Welcomes Back Four Rivers Cultural Center & High Desert Museum for 2020 Partnership

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OFN is partnering again with Four Rivers Cultural Center for the 3rd annual Tradition Keepers Folklife Festival in Ontario, Oregon as well as for a series of podcasts. This year, in keeping with rules for gatherings and social distancing, we are proud to co-host a series of virtual programs instead of a live event. Those… Continue reading

Exploring Indigeneity, Place, Tradition, and Transmission in a Virtual World

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Jeremya Keartes and Anna Swanson For the past six months, we have been involved in a World Learning international project. During the collaboration between Oregon Folklife Network and the “Alexandru Stefulescu” Gorj County Museum, we partnered up with professionals, students, and artists in Târgu Jiu, Gorj County, Romania to learn about their cultural traditions as… Continue reading

Fisherpoets Gathering 2020

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Madeline Ruzak & Rebecca Pace The 23rd Annual Fisherpoets Gathering brought hundreds of patrons to Astoria, Oregon, late February — including the Oregon Folklife Network’s own Riki Saltzman and two of the University of Oregon’s Public Folklore students, Madeline Ruzak and Rebecca Pace. During their time volunteering at the Gathering, they were able to listen… Continue reading

Honoring a Folklife Hero: Celebrating the work of folklorist Riki Saltzman 

Published on: Author: Emily West Hartlerode Leave a comment

by Kristin Strommer, Director of Communications at the Museum of Natural and Cultural History Please join us in extending our warmest wishes to Riki Saltzman, whose position as executive director of Oregon Folklife Network comes to a close at the end of June. A folklorist, anthropologist, and tireless advocate for traditional arts and artists, Riki… Continue reading

Traditional Arts in a Virtual Era

Published on: Author: Emily West Hartlerode Leave a comment

In a previous article, I shared the ways Persian santoor player, Hossein Salehi, has transitioned his individual lessons from in-person classes, to a virtual platform using Zoom and Skype. In this second piece in the series we explore some of the challenges of translating a master teacher’s lessons, from the nuances of communication – to… Continue reading

Mastering Technology in order to Share Tradition

Published on: Author: Emily West Hartlerode Leave a comment

  Emily Hartlerode Watching Hossein Salehi teach his apprentice, Alireza, over Zoom last weekend was inspiring and uplifting. In addition to the technology, they brought their instruments, a music book, and their passion for progress. Alireza performed three well rehearsed pieces for Hossein who, after each one, gave feedback about what he had done correctly,… Continue reading

OFN Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program receives NEA funds: Meet the Mentors and Apply for next year!

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OFN is thrilled to accept a $47,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to support Oregon’s Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program (TAAP) and other statewide initiatives that promote folk and traditional arts. Additional funding from the Oregon Arts Commission and the Oregon Historical Society make it possible for us to support TAAP to the extent… Continue reading

OFN Welcomes New Staff

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Being housed at the University of Oregon empowers OFN to provide rich professional development experience. We offer a variety of student opportunities to train emerging public folklorist. Please welcome… Rebecca Pace, a first-year M.A. student in Folklore and Public Culture, working at the OFN for the 2019 – 2020 Academic Year. Originally from Los Angeles, Rebecca… Continue reading

Buckaroo Exhibit Pairs with Blake Little’s Gay Rodeo Exhibit at MNCH

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We are happy to announce the return of and updates to our Buckaroo Traditions of Oregon exhibit! This exhibit celebrates the continuity of occupational traditions in rural Oregon and encourages audience understanding and appreciation of art forms arising from ranching practices. Cowboys have made an enduring mark on the American popular imagination but not every cowboy is… Continue reading