Tag Archives: New Staff

OFN Welcomes New Staff

Published on: Author: rpace2 Leave a comment

Being housed at the University of Oregon empowers OFN to provide rich professional development experience. We offer a variety of student opportunities to train emerging public folklorist. Please welcome… Rebecca Pace, a first-year M.A. student in Folklore and Public Culture, working at the OFN for the 2019 – 2020 Academic Year. Originally from Los Angeles, Rebecca… Continue reading

OFN Welcomes New Staff

Published on: Author: iteeuwen 1 Comment

Prince F.M. Lamba is a Folklore and Public Culture graduate student at the University of Oregon. He is an ethnomusicologist with scholarly interests in urban ethnography, African musical arts, creative industries, arts and culture management and issues related to arts and culture in development. He holds a master’s degree in arts and culture management from… Continue reading