Monthly Archives: December 2014

Community Day at OHS with FisherPoets!

Published on: Author: Zoe Steeler Leave a comment

Come on out for a FREE Community Day featuring fisherpoets Moe Bowstern, Jon Broderick, Jay Speakman, and Cary Jones on Saturday, December 13 at the Oregon Historical Society. OFN is proud to co-sponsor this event with our partners. Community Day takes place on Saturday, December 13 at the Oregon Historical Society (1200 SW Park Avenue, Portland) with… Continue reading

OFN at Confluence “Day of Sharing”

Published on: Author: Zoe Steeler Leave a comment

By Adrienne Decker, OFN Assistant Folklorist On November 1, the Oregon Folklife Network joined Confluence for a “Day of Sharing” at Fort Vancouver. Confluence is a multi-year endeavor to complete public art installations     at significant points along the Columbia River, a collaboration between Pacific Northwest tribes, renowned artist Maya Lin, civic groups from Washington and… Continue reading