NC State- Call for Associate or Full Professor

PrintThe Department of Communication at North Caroline State University is seeking an associate or full professor of Media Studies. Desirable candidates should specialize in critical media theory; philosophy of communication; critical or cultural studies; technology, power, surveillance, and control; media technologies and human subjectivity; digital media and social movements; or any relative field.

“An internationally recognized record of scholarship in critical media theory, philosophy of communication, and the critical analysis of communication technologies is strongly preferred.”

Candidates must be prepared to teach at the undergraduate level and provide guidance for graduate students.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, a CV, samples of relevant scholarly publications and teaching effectiveness at this website.

Three reference letter should be mailed directly to:

NCstate address

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Applications are due November 15, 2015 and will continue until the position is filled. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Wiley, the search committee chair.

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