Moss-Greenspan-Hodder Endowment Fund I am very excited to announce the establishment of the Moss-Greenspan-Hodder Endowment Fund. The fund will insure the preservation...
Did Tlingit Ancestors Eat Sea Otter? Did Tlingit Ancestors Eat Sea Otters? Addressing Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage through Zooarchaeology has just been published in...
Sea Otters and Zooarchaeology I just returned from a great visit to the University of Arkansas. I was happy to visit the Anthropology...
Oregon Ducks! (actually sea ducks and seabirds more generally) Our recent paper, Evaluating Native American Bird Use and Bird Assemblage Variability along the Oregon Coast, has just been...
Cougar-gate Update The cougar is *almost* ready for graduation, thanks to: Carly Pate, Kelsey Clarke, Skyler Mitchell, Julia Arenson, Morgan Giles,...
A Cougar Processed by Ducks Thanks to Zooarchaeology student Molly Shelton and her generous sheep-ranching friends, we have a new addition to the North...
Not-so-deep History of Pacific Flyway Here is one of five ducks I recently salvaged from Tulelake National Wildlife Refuge, thanks to the excellent staff...