Our study of the Rice Ridge Bird Assemblage has just appeared in Arctic Anthropology. Check it out:
Moss, Madonna L., Amy Shannon, Brittany Falconer, Scott Blumenthal, Jensen Wainwright, Elizabeth McGuire and Molly R. Casperson 2021 Alutiiq Ancestors’ Use of Birds During the Ocean Bay Period at Rice Ridge (49-KOD-363), Kodiak Island. Arctic Anthropology 58(1):1-33.
We thank: Dale & Marie Rice (Kodiak); Erick Wonderly, Philippa Jorissen, and other ANTH 471 students, Annika Mayne & Ishalom Keren (UO); Bob Kopperl (Willamette Cultural Resources); Laura Phillips & Rob Faucett (Burke Museum); Amanda Taylor (Willamette Cultural Resources) & Stephanie Jolivette (Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation); Amy Steffian, Patrick Saltonstall, Molly Odell, & Amanda Lancaster (Alutiiq Museum); Virginia Butler (PSU); Miriam Rigby (UO Library); Ben Fitzhugh, Monty Rogers, & Matt Betts; Robin Corcoran (Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge); Dick Bland & Andrei Grinev; John Steele; Chris & John Darwent; and anonymous reviewers.