Project Title: Mathematics eText Research Center (MeTRC)
Principal Investigator: Mark Horney, PhD,
Project Description: MeTRC is funded by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to investigate reading and writing in mathematics, particularly by students with learning disabilities or vision impairments. MeTRC is currently analyzing two large data sets from research projects conducted over the past two years. The first involves a database of student interactions with an online supplemental mathematics curriculum, and seeks to understand the patterns of student behaviors as they make use the various features available in a digital reading and study environment. The second data set is a collection of mathematical explanations written by students studying fractions. This study is focused on the differences between explanations written using traditional pencil and paper tools and those available in a multimodal digital writing environment.
Internship Activities: Working with a team of researchers in organizing and coding data, and identifying patterns in learning outcomes using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis procedures.
Student Time & Commitment: Negotiable and variable depending on the students needs, interests, and availability.
Skills Needed for Internship: Some practical experience in working with data in a research team and in preparing manuscripts for publication.
Key Words: mathematics, reading, writing, multimodal, data analysis
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