Student Research Internship Opportunities

College of Education at the University of Oregon

Month: November 2014

Internship with Education Community Supports

Project Title: Positive Behavior Intervention Supports 

Principal Investigator:

Kent McIntosh,  &  Rob Horner,

Project Description:  The Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is established by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to define, develop, implement, and evaluate a multi-tiered approach to Technical Assistance that improves the capacity of states, districts and schools to establish, scale-up and sustain the PBIS framework. Emphasis is given to the impact of implementing PBIS on the social, emotional and academic outcomes for students with disabilities. This internship will support the Technical Assistance Center by developing and publishing Evaluation Briefs based on the PBIS database of 40 million office discipline referrals. Please visit this website to view examples of evaluation briefs already completed to date: PBIS Evaluation Briefs.

Internship Activities:  

  • Attend weekly research meetings on Mondays from 12:30 – 1:45 at Lokey 140
  • Identify evaluation questions that can be answered from the existing PBIS database
  • Collaborate with Dr. McIntosh on analysis and writing of Evaluation Briefs
  • Briefs are then posted on the website and used by the states, districts, and schools implementing PBIS.

Student Time & Commitment: Negotiable and variable depending on the students needs,  interests, and availability.

Skills Needed for Internship: Some experience completing statistical analysis and in preparing a professional manuscript.

Key Words: behavior supports, evaluation, data analysis, publication, school data

Internship with Center for Advanced Technology in Education (CATE)

Project Title: Mathematics eText Research Center (MeTRC) 

Principal Investigator: Mark Horney, PhD,

Project Description:  MeTRC is funded by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to investigate reading and writing in mathematics, particularly by students with learning disabilities or vision impairments. MeTRC is currently analyzing two large data sets from research projects conducted over the past two years. The first involves a database of student interactions with an online supplemental mathematics curriculum, and seeks to understand the patterns of student behaviors as they make use the various features available in a digital reading and study environment. The second data set is a collection of mathematical explanations written by students studying fractions. This study is focused on the differences between explanations written using traditional pencil and paper tools and those available in a multimodal digital writing environment.

Internship Activities:  Working with a team of researchers in organizing and coding data, and identifying patterns in learning outcomes using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis procedures.

Student Time & Commitment: Negotiable and variable depending on the students needs,  interests, and availability.

Skills Needed for Internship: Some practical experience in working with data in a research team and in preparing manuscripts for publication.

Key Words: mathematics, reading, writing, multimodal, data analysis



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