Your health is our main priority here at the University of Oregon!
Our health center is dedicated to assisting students.
Address: University of Oregon, 1590 E 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97403
Contact: (541) 346-2770
You can access your student UOHealth Portal.
Be sure that you are enrolled in an insurance plan. Find more information here.
Make sure that you have the proper immunization records submitted. You will not be able to register for courses until the U of O receives your approved immunization information. For more information, click here.
Additional Contact Information:
Dental Clinic: 541-346-2039
Student Health Insurance: 541-346-2832
Health Center Billing: 541-346-2534
Lab: 541-346-4455
Lab Fax: 541-346-2736
Medical Records: 541-346-3573
Pharmacy: 541-346-4454
Physical Therapy/Sports Medicine: 541-346-4401