If you are unable to register due to holds, please click “View Holds” under the “Student Menu” in Duckweb. Here you can find which hold you must get removed. Once you know which hold, please review this list and follow the instructions on how to get the hold removed so you can begin registering for classes!
Immunization Hold – If you have an immunization hold, please refer to the UO Immunization Requirements. These must be met in order to remove the immunization hold. Proof of receiving these vaccinations must be uploaded to the UO Health Portal. You must also complete the TB Questionnaire located under the “Forms” tab.
Insurance Hold – If you see an insurance hold, you must complete the “Insurance Compliance Form” located under forms in the UO Health Portal. Once you have completed this form, you are welcome to email the insurance coordinator at uostudentinsure@uoregon.edu. Be sure to include your Name, student ID number, and state that you have completed the form and would like them to please remove the registration hold.
Alcohol.edu or UO Prevention Course Hold -If you see the Alcohol.edu or UO Prevention course hold, please be sure to check your UO email for an online course called Alcohol.edu. If you cannot find this course, you can access it here.
Transcript Hold – If you are unable to get your transcript, this is because you have an unpaid fee. Please check your UO Student Billing Account and pay the remaining fee in order to have this transcript hold released.
Student Bill Past Due – If you have a Student Bill Past Due hold, this is because you have an unpaid fee. Please check your UO Student Billing Account and pay the remaining fee in order to have this transcript hold released.
SEVIS Hold – Please update your address to your US mailing address on Duckweb. This can be found under the “Personal Information” tab on Duckweb.