I had a lot of fun on Futurecoast.com. I got to make my own timeline using the voice-mail messages from the people in my class, including myself. I named my timeline “Hot and Wet”. I know, not a very imaginative name for a timeline. However, I figured I should be rather straightforward about the future I had in mind. Basically, this is a future for Earth where global temperatures have increased at a semi-constant rate over the years. This has led to almost all the ice in the world melting, which has resulted in the flooding of most coastal areas around the globe. Technology level has also increased, with a more even gap between green-tech and fossil fuel tech. My vision for the future has been slightly influenced by some disaster movies and an article I read in National Geographic. However, if the human race continues on the energy using trend that it has been on for the past few decades, then this could be a likely global weirding scenario for us in the future.
Anyway, back to FutureCoast. I had a great time listening to all of the recordings on the site, not only from within my class but also from without. I admit, there were some voice-mail messages that I felt were a bit underwhelming. I believe that a recording about getting into a hovercraft accident is a bit unoriginal. That’s not even taking into account that one might not survive being in a hovercraft accident. Anyway, there were some ideas for the future that I liked. A theme park about glaciers in a world without natural ice is quite imaginative. I believe that this FutureCoast project will become very popular, even to those not in the climate change community.