Education is key

After taking this course I have a whole new perspective on how our planet is being polluted; I’ve learned extensive amounts about water pollution and how that, in the long run, is going to defunct a multitude of animal species and eventually destroy our planet’s ability to sustain life. I never thought someone else was as interested in this topic until I talked to a close friend of mine and found out that she grew up in an area that banned water pollution near recreational swimming zones. Of course that didn’t stop her city from dumping the pollutants into the water just further up the coast, but it was a step in the right direction. She spoke about how beautiful and pristine her beaches were; how, even during the rainy season, the water was still clear and fish still swam near the coast. Thats how beaches are supposed to look; however, the unfortunate truth of this story is that this is not a common reality for most coastal areas. Many beaches are polluted to the extent where they are closed off to the public because if someone swam in the contaminated water they could get extremely ill or even die. So why is this still legal? Why is it legal to pollute water to the extent that it may kill people if they swim in it? Why don’t we consider marine animals’ lives when creating these laws? My friend and I asked ourselves these questions and tried to come up with reasonable explanations as to why humans have created laws and norms that put human beings at the top of the pyramid of life. Contine reading

Fact or Fiction

The question of whether or not fiction will influence how people react to climate change is one we have discussed often throughout the quarter. People question whether or not a completely fictional story could really change people’s minds about an argument that is solely based on the facts. My personal opinion is that fiction could definitely have an effect on how people react to climate change. There are many things that going into making and effective argument, factual evidence definitely plays a huge part in any argument, it is the foundation and without it, no argument can be properly supported. While logic and facts are very important, a persons emotional connection can also have a large effect on how they respond to an argument. When people are informed about climate change, most of the time it is with information that is all fact. Fact is important, but most people are not able to connect with numbers, facts, and statistics. Contine reading