
I’ve been doing the PR for a project called Booklandia, and would love the help from some of you, my classmates.

A group of students from the SOJC have spent the term producing short interviews of people of all ages talking about books. One of my personal favorite videos is an elderly woman in her 80s who has a list of almost every single book that she’s ever read. She spoke about these books with such passion; it was extremely inspiring to see the impact of literature on someone – and for such a long period of time in their life.

We’re looking for a group of people to discuss the same book for a segment called “Book Club,” and the video producers were so excited to hear about what we’ve been doing in ENG 104. If anyone is interested in being interviewed for this project, please, please let me know! The interview shouldn’t take more than 15-20 minutes, and you would be on camera with 3-4 others.

The launch date for Booklandia is April 6, 2015, but in the meantime, you can check out the trailer and a behind the scenes video here.

Thank you all!

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