Buildings or Areas Impacted:
- Agate Hall (gym/auditorium)
- Cascade Annex
- Collier House
- Columbia Hall (Room 154)
- Condon
- CPFM Buildings
- Esslinger
- Fine Arts Studios
- Friendly
- Gerlinger
- Hendricks
- Huestis (heat exchanger HEX-3 only for fin tube radiators)
- Lawrence (primary studios)
- Lokey Education (East and West)
- Mac Court (radiators only)
- Millrace Woodshop
- Music (radiators only)
- Onyx Bridge (072/090, 169/170)
- Susan Campbell
- University Hall
- Villard
- Volcanology
Scope: Starting the week of May 31st, the Mechanical shop will again implement its process for systematically deactivating the heat within steam-controlled buildings. This process can take several days depending on if any problems arise during this time.
Additional Notes: Turning on and off the steam is very hard on the infrastructure serving our building’s mechanical systems. Seasonal adjustments are based on the following format:
Steam is turned on in the Fall when:
- Night-time outside air temperature is below 50 degrees for five consecutive nights
- AND daytime temperatures are below 70 degrees for five consecutive days
Steam is turned off in the Spring when:
- Night-time outside air temperatures are above 50 degrees for five consecutive nights
- AND the daytime temperature is above 70 degrees for five consecutive days
Work Performed By: Campus Planning and Facilities Management Facilities Services
Contact: Kyle Harshbarger, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406