Updated OSHA Rule Regarding Indoor Mask Requirement Signage 8/17/21

Oregon OSHA has implemented a new rule, effective immediately, that requires indoor mask requirement signage to be posted on all entry doors to workplace buildings. Please check the doors of your building to see if there are signs reminding folks that masks are required indoors. If signs need to be posted, please use the attached PDF to print out signage and display on every exterior door of your building that is intended to be used for entry (ie: keyed or card swipe). Postings are not required on exterior doors that are egress-only.

Lindsey J. Salfran

Executive Assistant
to the CRO and Associate VP of Safety and Risk Services
Safety & Risk Services | University of Oregon
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
Direct: 541.346.8853 | Fax: 541.346.7008

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