UPDATE 4/14/21:
The steam is back online.
UPDATE 4/13: While turning the steam back on a leak was discovered. Steam to Klamath and Price Science Commons will be offline overnight.
Begin: April 13, 2021 at 4:00 am
End: April 13, 2021 at 3:00 pm April 14, 2021
Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Klamath Hall and Price Science Commons
Scope: Steam pipe work to repair broken steam line
Services Impacted: This will affect the heating, autoclave steam, and hot water to the entire building.
Special Instructions: Please turn off any equipment beforehand that may be affected by the steam outage.
Work Performed By: Utilities & Energy
Contact: Ken Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406