UPDATE 12/14: After doing some preliminary work today, the contractor has determined it unnecessary to remove the bulk of the metal ceiling panels. They do want to use their high lift to install a number of walk planks above the metal ceiling. The men’s and woman’s bathrooms (116F and 117) will not be accessible due to overhead hazards. All gender bathroom (118) and upstairs bathrooms will remain usable.
Begin: December 14, 2020 at 7:00 am
End: December 16 17, 2020 at 3:00 pm
Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Breezeway and Metal Shop in Building 130
Scope: Loud ceiling work in the warehouse metal shop area (Rm 119) will occur on 12/14 through 12/16. Contractors will be cutting portions of the aluminum drop ceiling to gain access for HVAC work.
Extra Notes: No welding, but Hot Work Permit is on file with EH&S. Construction noises will occur during advisory.
Work Performed By: Preferred Construction
Contact: Tim Allenbaugh, CPFM Project Manager, 541-346-8214