Oregon Hall Freight Elevator Hallway and Loading Dock Entrance Shutdown 10/7/19-12/31/19

4th Update: Postponement

Construction activities for the elevator project will be complete by December 31st and the entrance/exit from the loading dock, through lobby L140, will reopen then.

3rd Update: Postponement

Due to unforeseen site conditions, the entrance/exit from the loading dock will remain closed for more drilling to occur.


2nd Update:  Noise Advisory for Monday, October 7th

The elevator contractor will be cutting concrete and using a jack hammer to remove the item that needs to be replaced. This activity will take the whole day for the purposes of the notice, however, we anticipate it may be closer to 4 hours.


1st Update:  Postponement

This work has been postponed until Monday 10/7 through 10/15 11/4


On Monday, September 30th October 7th at 7:00 am until Monday, October 8th October 15th November 4th Mid December 31st, the entrance/exit from the loading dock, through lobby L140, will be closed.  This will allow for drilling activities associated with the jack replacement for the freight elevator modernization.  Please use entrances located along 13th Ave on the South side of the building.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Work will be performed by Preferred Construction.

For questions or concerns, please contact Bruce Budzik at (541) 346-8834, (541) 915-5663 or bbbudzik@uoregon.edu.