Franklin Blvd Golf Carts and Grounds Equipment Crossing 8/16/19 – 8/19/19

All Operators of Golf Carts or Grounds Equipment,

Due to construction, operators need to use Agate Street as a crossing for Franklin Boulevard.  Agate Street can be accessed by going out the back gate of CPFM compound.  NO Golf Carts or Equipment can be driven on Franklin Blvd. – Crossing Only

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Scot Campbell at 346-2300 or

Per notice from 8/12/19

Parking Closures 8/16 – 8/19

Parking Lots 12A and 12B will be closed. Pedestrian, bike and cart detours will be in place as shown on the attached map.  Lots are closed to allow for placement and use of a 500-ton crane that will set supply air units and exhaust fans onto the Klamath Hall rooftop. Friday, August 16th will be used to set up the crane with a second crane. Saturday, August 17th and Sunday, August 18th will be used to crane equipment from trucks in lot 12A onto the Klamath Hall rooftop. Monday, August 19th will be used to take down the crane with a second crane.