4/30 – 7/6: [PEACE HEALTH] Advance Notice: Elevator Project Impacting Elevators 1 & 2

This notice has been sent to Peace Health UO Spaces Contacts, and Outlook List FS Memo

Building Occupants,

PeaceHealth has contracted with ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation to modernize both cars (elevators) in the PeaceHealth North Building. Work for car #1 is scheduled to begin April 30, 2018, and end July 6, 2018. Work for car #2 is scheduled to begin July 9, 2018, and be completed by September 14, 2018.

A notice will be sent out for the work on car #2 as it gets closer as a reminder to use caution in the lobby of each floor.

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to your suite coordinator, and they can reach out to me at any time.

Thank you,

Melinda Seeley

Real Estate Property Coordinator
Real Estate
Campus Planning
Campus Planning and Facilities Management
University of Oregon
(541) 346.5550