6/21/17-6/22/17 Rev: 20# Steam Shutdown for PLC, Schnitzer Museum of Art, Chapman, and Condon


 This shutdown has been postponed until Wednesday due to commencement activities.  The new dates should read 6/21/17-6/22/17.

Building Occupants,

On Tuesday, June 20th Wednesday, June 21st at 7:00 am until Wednesday, June 21st Thursday, June 22nd at 5:00 pm, 20 pound steam will be shut down in order to replace an 8” expansion joint in the Tunnel.

This shutdown will impact Prince Lucien Campbell (PLC) , Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Chapman Hall, and Condon Hall.  There will be no building hot water / heat.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact your area, contact Mo Soleimani, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) Utilities Maintenance Supervisor at 346-2213.