3/27/17: EWEB Water Meter Upgrade Affecting Various Buildings

Campus Community,

Monday, March 27, 2017, our utility provider EWEB will be making water meter upgrades to the below-listed buildings.  The times are estimates and will require a building-wide water shutdown lasting from 10 – 30 minutes depending on the complexity of the meter change out. This will affect restrooms and sinks building wide.  EWEB selected spring break to limit the impact to campus.

For questions or concerns regarding this brief water outage please contact Michael Parker, EWEB at Michael.Parker@eweb.org or Kevin Farthing, CPFM Zone Manager at kfarthin@uoregon.edu


8:30 am Oregon Hall

9:30 am Prince Lucien Campbell (PLC)

10:30 am Many Nations Long House

11:30 am Vivian Olum

12:30 pm Exterior Grounds Shack

1:00 pm AAA Annex

1:30 pm Museum of Natural and Cultural History

2:oo pm NW Indian Language Institute

2:30 pm Housing and Facilities Moss 1739 Moss Alley