03/27/17 – 03/31/17: Sidewalk closures affecting several buildings for Spring Break

Campus Community,

Please see the below sidewalk closures for March 27 –  31, 2017.  Each section will take approximately two days to complete once repairs have started. Areas will be well marked.

  • The broken sidewalk on the east side of Agate Street next to the Agate Hall playground.
  • The sidewalk on the south side of 13th Street, in front of the Hamilton dorm and across the street from the Jaqua Academic Center.
  • The sidewalk on the west side of Agate Street, between 15th and 18th, next to the Hayward Field – the entire section of pavement will not be done, only the broken pavement next to the hammer throwing area.
  • The sidewalk on the east side on Kincaid, in front of Prince Lucien Campbell (PLC) where the City of Eugene has parking meters – please note that only the east entrance will be affected by this sidewalk replacement.
  • The pedestrian path directly adjacent to PLC to the north – only the portion beside the building is being replaced.

For questions or concerns about how this may impact paths of travel, contact Kevin Farthing  Zone D Maintenance Manager at 541-346-2857.