3/25/17-4/1/17: Klamath Hall 2nd Floor Fume Hood Shutdown

Building Occupants for Klamath 2nd Floor ONLY,

On Saturday, March 25th through Saturday, April 1st, 2017, fume hood exhaust air will be shut down for the north and west portion of the 2nd floor of Klamath.   Fume hood sashes will need to remain closed and containers within the hoods need to remain sealed.

The fume hood exhaust in the Nolen and Prehoda lab spaces will remain active and available to others for use during the shutdown.

See the attached diagram highlighting in the shaded blue area the spaces and fume hoods that will be impacted.

The work will be performed by GBC Construction.

For questions or concerns about how this may affect your services contact Denise Stewart, CPFM Design and Construction Services at 346-2280.