2/13 – 2/15: Crane arrival, and Completion of the NEW Hayward Cell Tower

**This notice REPLACES the previously scheduled February 6 and 7, 2017 crane pick event**

During the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm Tuesday, 2/14/17 all types of traffic; automotive, bike and foot traffic, will be restricted from where vehicles turn off of 18th to the north, to access the Hayward Cell tower construction site. This will also include a 90-foot radius around the tower as shown in the attached drawing.

On either Monday, 2/13 or by 7:00 am the morning of Tuesday, 2/14, (depending on weather and traffic) the crane will arrive on site and be set up. The crane will have a 120’ boom. Trucks with portions of the cell tower will arrive by 9:00 am and stage/park on 18th where hooded meters are located. The tower which currently stands approximately 129 feet from the ground, will have internal antennas placed on the tower, an outer sheath, small antennas put on the south face at approximately 45 feet off the ground and when the assembly is completed will stand 159’ tall. Following the sheath, the crane will be disassembled and removed from the site, either before 7:00 pm on 2/14/17 or the next day 2/15.

** Please honor all traffic control barriers, signs, and flagmen. PLEASE avoid this area of the campus these days as much as possible.**

For questions about this project, please contact Jana Gerow at 541-346-6837.

[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2017/02/021416-Cell-Tower-Crane-2nd-PIck-FINAL-2b9njmh.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]