Dissertation Defense – Suzannah Wood, May 31st

Good luck to Suzannah Wood as she defends her thesis for her PhD in Chemistry!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
3 PM in 331 Klamath

The title of her thesis is “Understanding the Formation of Kinetically Stable Compounds and the Development of Thin Film Pair Distribution Function Analysis”

Dissertation Defense – Michaela Stevens, May 19th

Good luck to Michaela Stevens as she defends her thesis for her PhD in Chemistry!

Friday, May 19, 2017
2:00 PM in 331 Klamath Hall       

The title of her thesis is “Fundamentals and Industrial Applications: Understanding First Row Transition Metal (Oxy)Hydroxides as Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysis”

Dissertation Defense – Matthew Bailey, March 2nd

Good luck to Matthew Bailey as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Thursday, March 2, 2017
12:30 PM in 331 Klamath Hall

After graduating, Matthew will be doing a post doc in Bob Goldstein’s lab at UNC Chapel Hill, learning live imaging and genome editing in C. elegans.

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Dissertation Defense – Matthew Kast, November 23rd

matt-kast-300x300Good luck to Matthew Kast as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
3:00 PM in 331 Klamath Hall

The title of his thesis is “Towards Tunable and Multifunctional Interfaces: Multicomponent Amorphous Alloys and Bilayer Stacks”

Dissertation Defense – Dmitry Kislitsyn, November 21st

kislitsyndmitryGood luck to Dmitry Kislitsyn as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Monday, November 21, 2016
4 PM in 217 LISB

The title of his thesis is “Spectroscopic Studies of Nanomaterials with a Liquid-Helium-Free High-Stability Cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscope”

Dissertation Defense – Gavin Mitchson, October 20th

headshot_smaller-1Good luck to Gavin Mitchson as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Thursday, October 20, 2016
1:15 PM in 417 LISB

The title of his thesis is  “Insights from Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and X-ray Diffraction into the Structure and Composition of Non-Crystalline Thin Solid Films” 

Gavin is currently pursuing opportunities in the semiconductor and semiconductor equipment industry in the Portland, OR area for after graduation.

Dissertation Defense – Evan Darzi – October 18th

EvanDarziGood luck to Evan Darzi as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
2 PM in 331 KLA


In December Evan will begin post doc position at UCLA with Professor Neil Garg.