Dissertation Defense – Michael Nellist, July 23rd

Photo: Michael NellistGood luck to Michael Nellist as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Monday, July 23, 2018
3:30 PM in 110 Willamette

The title of his thesis is “Nanoelectrode AFM probes enable the in-operando measurement of surface potentials during oxygen evolution catalysis”

Dissertation Defense – Lisa Enman, June 13th

Good luck to Lisa Enman as she defends her thesis for her PhD in Chemistry!

Wednesday, June 14, 2018
2 PM in 220 Deschutes Hall



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Dissertation Defense – Emily Reister, May 24th

Photo: Emily ReisterGood luck to Emily Reister as she defends her thesis for her PhD in Chemistry!

Thursday, May 24, 2018
11 AM in 301 Deady Hall

The title of her dissertation is “High-throughput Sequencing For investigation of RNA targets of Pt(II) Chemotherapy Drugs”

This summer, Emily will be working as an instructor for the genomics and bioinformatics master’s program for the Knight Institute here at UO.

Dissertation Defense – Samantha Young, May 21st

Good luck to Samantha Young as she defends her thesis for her PhD in Chemistry!

Monday, May 21, 2018
9:00 AM in 171 Onyx Bridge

The title of her dissertation is “Designing the nanoparticle/electrode interface for improved electrocatalysis”

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Dissertation Defense – Justin Barry, May 18th

Good luck to Justin Barry as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Friday, May 18, 2018
12PM in 331 Klamath Hall

The title of his dissertation is “The Solvent Cage Effect: Using Microviscosity to Predict the Recombination Efficiency of Geminate Radicals Formed by the Photolysis of the Mo-Mo Bond of Cpʹ2Mo2(CO)6

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Dissertation Defense – Ben Taber, May 11th

Photo: Ben TaberGood luck to Ben Taber as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Friday, May 11, 2018
2:00 PM in 110 Willamette

The title of his dissertation is “Real-Space Visualization of Organic Molecular Electronic Structure: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy

After graduating, Ben will start a post-doc position at the University of California-Irvine in the group of Ara Apkarian, where he will combine scanning probe microscopy with ultrafast non-linear optical microscopy to interrogate, in real-time, individual molecules with atomic spatial resolution.