A literature and digital culture blog

First Blog Post!

To cover this week in English 250, as well as reflecting back on our first week, our main goal was to create our own websites while infusing personal styles into them. For me, this process was entirely new being that I have never created my own website or blog for that matter. Taking the time to introduce myself to the different tools was necessary but also difficult to say the least. I often feel as if I am not part of my own generation because I am so technologically challenged. While creating my blog, I knew from the beginning that I wanted to create a very clean cut look, and pushed towards working with a simplistic style rather than complicating it. I am still exploring the tools that this blog site offers but I am happy with the results thus far. I never really saw myself doing anything pertaining to creating my own website, especially as an outlet to publish my own thoughts on the assigned works in class. It will definitely be a journey to get my blog looking the way I want it to and it has already taken plenty of exploration to get to the point that I have. I am confident that by the end of this class I will have been able to really develop a style for my website that isn’t even set in my mind yet. I am hoping that soon I will be able to have that vision so my ideas can come alive and my writing can further be inspired. So that is mainly my goals for these next two months. I am hoping that as a class we will be able to develop our websites together, and immerse our readings and discussions into our ultimate styles. Additionally, by the end of the term I am hoping to finally settle the debate of black board v. White board.


