My name is Anna and I am from Portland Oregon.


A freshman at the University of Oregon studying Psychology.


While I am just beginning my academic journey at the University of Oregon, I have already been immersing myself into a variety of courses that have improved my understanding of a multitude of different subjects. For instance, during my first term at the UO, I took an Asian Religions class that studied a broad overview of eastern Asian religions. This class introduced me to new cultures that I was admittedly far too ignorant about before. I also took a linguistic class, and an English class which helped me develop my language skills further. For this term, I am exploring topics that involve more sociological and philosophical ways of thinking which excites me because it gives me the chance to tap into the mindset of those around me in order to come up with answers but even more importantly, questions.

I came to to the University of Oregon so I could study psychology. However, since I have been here I have taken an interest in the school of journalism, particularly in the advertising department. In the past few years of my life I have noticed a new element in myself that consistently urges me to create. journalism could potentially give me that opportunity, which is why I am taking a class this year that focuses on various media professions. Hopefully by the end of this academic year I will be able to have a clearer view of what I want my future career to look like, whether that be in psychology, journalism, or something else entirely.