- Central Eastside Reader by the City of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
- City of Portland’s SE Quadrant Plan
- Portland Innovation Quadrant: conceptual linkage of SW and Central Eastside intellectual capital
- Portland Innovation District: Strong vision for the OMSI/Portland Opera area by UO Oregon Leadership In Sustainability group and partners, with supporting resource documents.
- Urban Designs for the OMSI/Portland Opera area by Gdansk University of Technology Architecture and Urban Design students.
- The Evolution of Portland’s Central Eastside by Angela Guo, PSU Center for Real Estate Quarterly Report, vol. 8, no. 2. Spring 2014 – w images of development in process.
- OMSI-Clinton: A Corridor for Invention and Innovation, 2013 Portland State University Urban Design Workshop lead by Don Stastny and Edward Starkie
- Clinton SE 12th Station area analysis in the Portland Milwaukie Orange Line conceptual design report
- William Tripp’s Clinton Station urban design for employment transit-oriented development (ETOD), created for TriMet and Metro.
- Zoning Code summary information for EG,EX: setbacks and height limitations. overview of code
- South Waterfront Greenway (see 2004 Plan)
- City of Portland’s South Waterfront Design Guidelines (2010)
- Zidell documents (linked to Course Folder)
- EPA’s District-Planning guidelines for the Zidell Yards Site
- OHSU’s 20-year master plan, touching on everything from existing program conditions to assessments: Don’t miss Section 5
- OHSU Schnitzer Campus plans
- City of Portland’s Design Guidelines
- Portland Milwaukie Orange Line MAX: Learn about TriMet’s vision, find station maps
- 2012-2015 photos of the Orange Line and Tillikum Crossing construction, including many great aerials.
- Metro’s Guides and Tools website features excellent green-street guidelines and downtown revitalization, maps of stormwater landscape projects, case studies of transit-oriented development
- Green Loop PDX vision for livability and sustainability
- Willamette River Design Notebook, 2001 by Greenworks, PC. Different approaches for designing at the river’s edge shown as section sketches
- Portland’s Central City Natural Resource Inventory (2013 draft): see Executive summary and Chapter 3d for specific Central Eastside and So Waterfront maps and recommendations.
- Mike Houck and M.J. Cody’s Wild in the City book tells the story of ecological harmony through specific creatures who make their homes in Portland.
- PORTLAND DWG BASE FILE: this is a link to a dwg file made from some Portland GIS maps.this has the street curbs, building footprints, 5 ft contours, and the rail lines–maybe a good place to start for site models.