Midterm Review

[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/05/3d-view-of-structure-1l4nlbn.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”] This term I mainly worked on structure, I changed 2d steel trusses to 3d trusses to support my roof, use concrete columns and floor slabs.  I was troubled with the location to put shear walls because my…

Midterm Review

Midterm Review

Structure Ventilation&Structure Section For midterm review I got lots of good ideas on structure and enclosure aspects,  so my next step is to move forward to work on mechanic design and day lighting design also try to make the site…



The form of my building(s) has changed significantly since the winter term, but the general “zoning” of the program functions–green chemistry labs, offices, library, production space–has not.  On the south side of the site, the production space still acts as…

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