Week 8 Review Reflection
The design process has worked well and led to multiple versions/ideas. The concept with site planning represents the main ideas and becomes very strong with then focus of water. This idea of erosion became the topic of discussion and goes hand in hand with water. This idea of subtracting makes the most interesting opportunities for form. My explorations need to get to the right porosity I am looking for, applying erosion idea through to upper levels creating open moments of connection. Circulation becomes a highly emphasized topic. The building form might be based on and made by the circulation, it dictates form and unifies programmatic uses and outdoor connections. This becomes the porosity. Connection of inside to outside with nodes of atrium ares and terraces.
This idea of inner and outer experiences needs to be more prominent. The outer edge is rigid/solid with hard planes and edges, fully contrasted on the inner experience, being organic/smooth/flowy like a naturally eroded cave/canyon.
Refining/unifying the overall concept is key. All scales ( Green Loop, the Site and adjacent developments, the Building itself, water, etc.) All of these need to be cohesive and need to clearly be understood from each image presented. With everything going on in this project, it can be easy to get lost. All rooted together from the waters edge, the building, its context, circulation/transit, and the green loop components (Tower and Bridge).