Midterm Reflection
Unsure of the expression of the place, after midterm the realization of time and the changing of place became more relevant in pushing forward. As the health industry continues to redefine its focus, the information translated from the past and present begins to create a trajectory for the future. The Oregon Health Interpretative Center utilizes the ingenuity of the maker space to contribute directly to the public, and translates the knowledge necessary to manufacture life changing products to the public through the museums interpretation of sharing and preserving knowledge. The retail and maker spaces respond to the urban fabric of Zidell yards to the south and west. The museum responds to the pubic along the Tillikum crossing to the north; transitioning on the bridge from Oregon Museum of Science and Industry to the health museum component of the Interpretative center. The connection between the two unique program is the sharing and preservation of knowledge; the library (share), archive(preserve), and auditorium(announce). Elevations and Sections to come in order to explore the meaning and the real circulatory connections.