Metaphor – Wai Ching
In the first version of my metaphor, I would like to represent the different aspect of my program into three similar geometries, each represents the different characteristic and quality of my user space. They are unified together with a circulation on a rooftop garden-like pathway that loops and links all three parts, which suggested that they are open to everyone as well as including those that are not using the equipment inside the buildings. In the first portion, the circle that has a roof top represents a place for professionals to learn and do some research on boats, it is a place for people to prepare for their future career life, so it should look more formal and confined. The second circle that is located right next to the first one is a space for the public and different age groups, so it is more open and informal, as this is a place aims to provide a relaxed atmosphere for people to work on their hobby. The last circle, which is located at the edge of the river bank and half sunk into the river is the open space for people to enjoy the river as well as space for users to launch their boats. It is a place for everyone even though they are not the users of the boat center. The three circles are connected and grasped together with a tall thin structure in the middle, which somehow reflects the structural quality of the sail of a boat.
The second metaphor focused more on the materials. I used copper wire and wood to create the metaphor (although copper is not a typical metal used to make boats, it can somehow connect to the idea of metal), and further develop the circular and circulation ideas. The shape of this model looks like a tree, with different sizes of copper circle bursting out from the middle of the wood – the shape attempted to suggest the merge of nature and artificial industry; while the circles represent different functions within the building, and that they are connected with each other at some point.
The third version is a digital version created in Rhino and Grasshopper. It is another version of the first metaphor, but done in a more contrasted way. The three circles have three completed different texture and pattern, though they are all developed from the same circle shape. The circle with a looser wall represented the Low Tech portion of the center while the one with a perfect circle is a symbol of accurate, digitally generated shape – the High Tech. area of the building. The last oval shape with a dent is the public area that can be used by everybody in the city.
The last version is more abstracted and emphasized more on the connections between the two main areas of the project. Both of them begins as a perfect sphere, one of them starts to evolve with four pointing shapes growing from the surface pointing at four different directions. This morphed shaped represents High Tech. area – streamlined, digitally calculated, reaching outward and forward. The little elements in between the two spheres is a symbol of connections between High Tech and Low Tech industry.