1. Where did you move from to attend the UO? And, briefly describe how you landed on the UO AAD program. Any interesting, funny, anecdotal stories/details are welcome.

All the way from the East Coast of central Florida! I’m very interested in providing artistic opportunities at the community level and the program here really seems to adhere to and promote that ideology.

I also wanted to see if the West Coast was really, truly better than the East Coast (so far the West Coast is winning.)

2. Area of concentration in AAD?

Performing Arts and Nonprofit Management.

3. Describe your knowledge and use of technology systems. Responses should include the following:

I have a MacBook Pro, an iPhone 5s, and an iPod Touch. That’s about the extent of my technology collection. As for technological knowledge…well, let’s just say it’s about as expansive as my collection is large.

4. What software do you commonly use? Briefly describe purpose/application for software on your list.

I have a basic, working knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite as well as a little bit of experience in WordPress. Microsoft Office has been mainly used for academic requirements as well as in all of the  internship positions that I’ve held.  I used WordPress to help update some website information during the marketing internship that I had this past spring.

5. Do you have any graphic design or media production/management experience? Have you taken any graphic design or media production courses?

None whatsoever.

6. Know anything about typography?

Other than Comic Sans is a terrible font choice? No.

7. Do you use Web 2.0 apps? Name those that you use or are familiar with.

I don’t.

8. Do you use Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Yelp, etc.)? Name those that you engage in.

I have personal accounts on Facebook and Instagram and I ran one of the Twitter accounts in my marketing internship.

9. Tell me something unique about yourself.

I play the French Horn. I have a bachelor’s degree in Orchestral Performance that I’m really hoping I’ll be able to use alongside the degrees I earn here in the AAD program at UO.

10. Anything else?

I’m really looking forward to expanding my technological capabilities and knowledge. Also, I’m pretty excited to be making my blogging debut!