I stood outside of EMU hall and watch different people. First, I saw one young man with a tattoo which is a Chinese character “龍” in his arm. This is a word which means dragon in Chinese. I’m not sure this gentlemen exactly know the word’s meaning. But if we just look the the structure of the word, we can found that this word looks complex. Personally, I feeling this word is cool because it comes from other culture. It looks different, I guess he want to shows his unique to others. Second, the words dragon means strange and power, people can consider he is the symbol of dragon. I guess this man is powerful and strong, maybe little bit aggressive. And I also forecast his thinking way is different from normal people.
The second person I saw is a old man with a black suit. He looks like 60 years old, with a big nose and golden glasses. He carried a document bag. He walk slowly, but seems full of energy, his face is seriously. I guess he is a professor because he wear a golden glasses and use document bag. He doing things might be preciseness because he never smile. He might be a rich man I guess, he is wearing a LV logo belt. His necklace with a cross. I’m thinking he might be a Christian. Actually, I’m not quire sure he is a professor or a priest. From general, he gave people feeling that he is a steady man. The feeling he gave me was he is a people with high educated, professional in some area.
The third people I saw is a lady. The color of her hair is pink, I guess she want to use the pink color to catch people’s attention. The lady also waring a colorful shirt, people will feel giddy if they keep watching her shirt. I am thinking the girl is open minded, she like special, hope people to keep concentration on her, She got two big holes in both ears but without any earrings. She is cool, I do not for sure, but I feel that she try to let people afraid her. She wearing a slipper and jeans, in somehow you can said she is a casual girl. There are three rings on her fingers. I guess she have lot of pursuers.
From observe these three people, I think every person with different background, personalty and education have different styles. People’s dressing try to tell other some message. If people want to know someone, I think they should begin from observe their clothes.
Food As Art Research
I try to use the searching engine to get some information about the relationship between art and food. I found that Andrea Borghinit’s article Can Food Be Art explain his idea about food and art. He deeply introduce why people should not consider food as art. Andrea Borghint’s article is every convictable, he compare the different between both things with durability, subjectivity and meaning. Then, he make a conclusion that food is not the same context with art.
Firstly, Borghini consider durability is a factor to identify a thing belong to art or not. “The first point that may be raised is that food is fleeting: a sculpture, a painting, or a temple may last for centuries, maybe millennia; the delicious food that the restaurant El Bulli used to prepare just a few years ago is long and gone”(Borghini) Food cannot last for a long time, but artwork can. Borghini use this example to shows one of the factor that why he cannot consider food as art, In addition, experiences along foods and art are different. People want to get food because they can eat foods. They eat together and share, that’s it. For food, people can consider is physiology need then cause the psychological need. Borghini consider people’s motivation for food is totally different from art. The motivation for people to enjoy an artwork is to admire rather than to eat. Artwork can bring the visual impact then make people to think about some specific things in their mind. However, food cannot cause the same effect. So, the author consider artwork can change people’s value but food is not.
Secondly, Borghini said food is different from other form of aesthetic experiences because it got the taste. “This is not simply because foods are fleeting, but also because taste is a destructive sense: you’ve got to destroy what you taste. Hence, taste in unavoidably an individual affair.” Each individual has different taste for the word “ food”, so food is more subjective than other forms of art. Different from There’s no standard for food, no one can sure their taste is the same with others. Borghini said that gastronomic experiences is totally different from art.
Finally, Borghini mentioned that food have no original meaning inside, people give different meaning for different food. “food cannot vehicle meaning .“This is total different from art. Art is a expression for emotion, however, food just is food., people only want to eat them rather to consider about it. “A reply to the latter objection moves from the observation that even a painting or a sculpture may be interpreted in a infinity of different ways, depending on how it is experienced. It is not clear why gastronomic experiences, in this respect, shall be regarded as less transparent than gastronomic ones.” From my opinion, this idea is very similar with the author we read in this week’s task. Ellen Dissanayake mentioned artists can be every normal people, they are not mysterious as people think. They just use their personal feeling and their sensibilities to describe the world what they think. In other words, it means every people can be an artists. I found that Ellen Dissanayake’s idea is oppose with Borghini’s. One consider every body can use their feeling to identify what is art and one suggest people should follow the traditional rule, knowing what is art and what is not. It’s hard to say right or wrong for both authors. However, I would like to Ellen Dissanayake’s idea. If every body can be a artist that they have right to choose what they wanna to be art. Food has create and good visual impact, so food can be art.
No matter Ellen Dissanayake or Andrea Borghinit’s article, we can see the real conflict between both. The point for the real problem is people’s different standard for word “art”. And the problem cannot be solve forever. Like the taste of food, the feeling for art is very diverse. I think the best way is people respect each others and try to know what others thought. In some culture, for example:China or Japan, people trust food can as art. They create food not only just for taste but also for visual impact.
Borghini, A. (n.d.). Can Food Be Art?. About.com Philosophy. Retrieved April 27, 2014, from
Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? In K. C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), (pp.15-26). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
Food as Art
In last week’s discission, we are talking about what is art and what is art for. It’s hard to image, in this week, we will consider food is a kind of art. Before reading the text, it’s hard for to believe that food is a form of art. However, after reading the article, I will definitely say yes, even through I have different opinion with this article. Let’s look at the similar points between art and food. I believe that artwork and food also belong to creation. No matter chiefs or artists, they need to put their feeling into their creations that make their creations to be attractive. Maybe the target group is different, but chief and artist have the same goal. In order to make their work to be better, they practice again and again. Artworks catch people’s eyes, encourage them to think about the surrounding world. Food catch people’s taste, encourage them to love their life.
After watching the video “Fast Food Presentation”, I think I saw art inside bugger. Cheese, onion, bread and beef, all the things inside a bugger according to the Golden Ratio.When I eating a bugger, I always remember Golden Ratio. I can image how Vinci use the Golden Ratio into his artwork Mona Lisa Smile. Some people might argue that art should be like printing and sculpture but like food. However, each people have their own definition for the word “art”. When people use the same appreciative mode to see food. They will find out there are such similar between art and food. Human use the word art for the things they admire, if they admire something, they can call something as art. So, there’s no right or wrong answer for the debate food is art or not, ins’t it?
Art essay assignment
Describe the term paleoanthropsychobiological. Who coined this term?
The word “paleoant hropsychobiological” which is found by Ellen Dissanayake. She use this word to describe her idea about art. First, it is a concept include all the human history and human societies. Second, the word also describe the feeling and the internal mental activities that create artwork need. Finally, the final part of the word “biological” refer that biological makeup is the essential part of human’s feeling for create art. Combine these factors, art can be create around us.
What does Dissanayake mean by the phrase “making special”? How does it relate to art and to human survival?
Personally, the word “special” means human’s brain can make the things different. Each individual is unique in the world, they have different value about things. Because they have different value, so they have different standard for the word “art”. However, when artworks become special, people can remember more about those. Artists should use their special feeling to create special their artwork and explain to people. Then, artists and artworks both become special.
Dissanayake identifies many different theories/movement/periods of art throughout western european history. Name three different theories of art that Dissanayake mentions in her essay. Identify the time period when each theory developed and was prominent. Provide a brief description of the philosophies and ideas that define each theory/movement/period of art. Support your answer with quotes from the reading.
I remember in the text mentioned that in 14th century, artworks were created for religious. Most of the artworks’ topic in that time just promote religious. However, artists change the situation, people’ focus not just concentrate on god but also human. In that period is so call renaissance.
Modernism is other form of art begun at 18th century, people begin to focus on ideology.“a concern with elucidating principles such as taste and beauty that govern all the art and indeed make them simply not paintings or statues” (p. 17). People appreciate art from deeply of the ideology rather than just the artwork.
People challenge the traditional idea of art in postmodernism. People wondering what is the real and truth in the world of art. Artists encourage people use their feeling and personal idea to view art.
What is art?
At the beginning of the article “Art for Life’s Sake”, Ellen Dissanayake mentioned that she consider art not only include all human history but also all human societies. She use the religious taking place in western middle ages as the example to demonstrate that art can greatly affect human’s history and societies. Artists were use their creativity to contribute to the Jesus. Their artwork just represent religious and without their thought. On Ellen Dissanayake’s eyes, art is totally pure. Each artwork contains a story inside, every people have their right to enjoy the artwork. She highly admire the “postmodernism”, she consider postmodernism promote all activities and let people liberate their soul.
I totally agree with Ellen Dissanayake, art make human’s life more colorful. From my opinion, art is a combination of human’s intelligent, it require people to use their mind to feel and understand. There’s not only one rule for understanding art, each people can have different feeling and different explanation for an artwork. Sometimes I am thinking art respect human’s autonomy, human can give their meaning for an artwork. Sometimes I believe that art is also a other form of language for human’s to communicate.Artists trying to tell audiences what they feel and what they saw at some moment. Girl with a Pearl Earring is a famous printing which recorded a girl turning her head. This printing succes catch the instance action of the girl. Art can let beautiful last forever Even after a long time people even can see how beautiful the girls was from that artwork. No matter sad or happy, artists use their emotion as the inspiration in their work. On the one had, I disagree that artwork should be sell as commodities.On the other hand, I have to say use artwork as commodities promote art.
Life Values Assessment
I am thinking how I shape my most important life values so far. I studying every day in the campus. I consider studying is one of the top important part of my life. Maybe there are not too much relationship between studying and the above form directly. I still belive that the five factors affect my studying indirectly. As the No.1 important factor, my family encourage me to studying in a country that I do not familiar. They consider studying can help me to get a good career future. Because my parents suggest me studying is so important that I shape my value I need to go to school every day.
My goal for my future is all around my family. Family let me know that studying is a reasonability. Personally, because my parents want me to studying, so I work hard for my studying. For myself, if I want to improve my family’s life I need to get a job and become wealth, For each person, I belive that they have different kinds of standard for their value. I consider people’s value are mainly depend on their different satisfaction for their life. I haven’t got too much plan for my future. But what I know is I need to improve myself that I can create a better environment for my parents and my family.
In Lewis H’s article(1990), he talk a lot about the topic what value is and how people shape their value in their life. I consider this is an excellent article. I totally agree that Lewis divided 6 ways for people to shape their value. As Lewis mentioned in the article, there’s no one can identify whose value is right or wrong, people’s instincts can shape different kinds of value. I come from China, a county with an long history. long long ago, Chinese philosophers begun to argue that people should shape their value according to their instincts or not. A Chinese philosopher whose name is Confucius encourage people to focus on their inner cultivation, he consider human should use ritual to reduce the evil inner characteristics like sex, greed. Confucius’s idea is a important part of traditional Chinese education. I agree that society can get benefits from educated people by ritual, however, I disagree that count the characteristics like sex as evil. Humans are born with instincts. Some people come from eastern might oppose to show artworks or photos of sex in the museum until today. Because the education they get from school and family describe sex as a mystical things when they were still young. I consider sex is an holy actives. It’s only way human can produce descendant. I think people who consider sex as evil shape their value from authority. Family and school are a kind of authority. Human can shape their value by authority. Actually, I consider each people is individual, they all get unique value. For value, people might no necessary to judge right or wrong. Human live in the community. They can affect each other and modify their value by themselves. No one should be the role model, people should choose the value they want to be. I found that people cannot shape their value only just see or hear the things. When I was a little kids, I hear a lot information about US people treat Chinese as an enemy during my school. However, after I been to Unite State, I found that what I hear is totally different from what I saw. I still not sure how people should shape their value, but what I thought is people should have their own judgement, have ability to analyze different kinds information, then studying and accumulate their knowledge.
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