Art essay assignment

Describe the term paleoanthropsychobiological. Who coined this term?
The word “paleoant hropsychobiological” which is found by Ellen Dissanayake. She use this word to describe her idea about art. First, it is a concept include all the human history and human societies. Second, the word also describe the feeling and the internal mental activities that create artwork need. Finally, the final part of the word “biological” refer that biological makeup is the essential part of human’s feeling for create art. Combine these factors, art can be create around us.

What does Dissanayake mean by the phrase “making special”? How does it relate to art and to human survival?
Personally, the word “special” means human’s brain can make the things different. Each individual is unique in the world, they have different value about things. Because they have different value, so they have different standard for the word “art”. However, when artworks become special, people can remember more about those. Artists should use their special feeling to create special their artwork and explain to people. Then, artists and artworks both become special.

Dissanayake identifies many different theories/movement/periods of art throughout western european history. Name three different theories of art that Dissanayake mentions in her essay. Identify the time period when each theory developed and was prominent. Provide a brief description of the philosophies and ideas that define each theory/movement/period of art. Support your answer with quotes from the reading.
I remember in the text mentioned that in 14th century, artworks were created for religious. Most of the artworks’ topic in that time just promote religious. However, artists change the situation, people’ focus not just concentrate on god but also human. In that period is so call renaissance.
Modernism is other form of art begun at 18th century, people begin to focus on ideology.“a concern with elucidating principles such as taste and beauty that govern all the art and indeed make them simply not paintings or statues” (p. 17). People appreciate art from deeply of the ideology rather than just the artwork.
People challenge the traditional idea of art in postmodernism. People wondering what is the real and truth in the world of art. Artists encourage people use their feeling and personal idea to view art.

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